
New Zealand Players (N)


TRS Nabbs (umpire)
MG Naden (Poverty Bay, Southern Hawke's Bay)
PF Naden (umpire)
SP Naden (Poverty Bay, Southern Hawke's Bay)
M Naera (Buller)
S Nagar (scorer)
GA Nagel (North Shore Women)
N Naguleswaran (Eastern Suburbs, Marylebone Cricket Club, Shepherds Bush)
M Nahna (King Country)
SR Naidu (Northern Districts Women)
S Nair (Cornwall)
S Nair (umpire)
CE Nairn (Southern Hawke's Bay)
DM Nairn (Marlborough)
HM Nairn (Hawke's Bay)
SC Nairn (Royal New Zealand Air Force)
P Nairne (scorer)
JG Naish (Mid-Canterbury)
TTC Naish (Mount Albert Grammar School)
Nalder (umpire)
C na Nagara (scorer)
FK na Nagara (Horowhenua and Kapiti, Manawatu, Palmerston North Boys High School)
WNB na Nagara (Horowhenua and Kapiti, Manawatu, Palmerston North Boys High School)
DM Nanayakkara (Northern Districts Under-17s)
G Nancarrow (Havelock North Intermediate School)
J Nancarrow (Nelson Women)
Napier (Ashburton County)
DJ Napier (Auckland Colts, Auckland Town Clubs, Auckland XI)
EJ Napier (Hawke's Bay)
M Naran (Horowhenua, Manawatu, Southern Hawke's Bay)
AM Narang (Tauranga Intermediate School)
V Nararayan (Johnsonville)
NA Narasy (Wellington Development Women)
P Narne (Poverty Bay)
BE Nash (Wellington Women)
DJ Nash (Auckland, Middlesex, New Zealand, New Zealand Academy, Northern Districts, Otago)
HK Nash (King's College, Auckland)
J Nash (Wellington B)
J Nash (Poverty Bay)
JA Nash (Wellington)
MJ Nash (King's College, Auckland)
RG Nash (Hawke's Bay)
RT Nash (St Kentigern College, Auckland)
OM Nasmith (North Taranaki, Taranaki)
Nathan (umpire)
W Nathras (umpire)
A Nathu (Canterbury, Wellington)
B Nation (Buller High School)
B Nation (Christ's College, Christchurch)
JJ Nation (Wairarapa)
KFG Nation (Canterbury Women)
OJ Nation (Wairarapa)
MRS Natusch (Wanganui Secondary Schools, Wellington Under-20s)
DH Naughton (Wellington)
MP Naughton (Wellington)
NR Naughton (Hawke's Bay)
K Nauhria (Wanganui)
G Navalkar (Wellington College)
K Navaratne-de Alwis (Raroa Normal Intermediate School)
BLT Naylor (Cornwall)
J Naylor (Nelson)
JJ Naylor (Alderley Edge, Counties Manukau)
JL Naylor (South Canterbury)
JLN Naylor (North Otago)
Neal (umpire)
Neal (Dannevirke)
A Neal (Marlborough)
AJ Neal (Marlborough)
AJ Neal (Marlborough)
B Neal (North City)
B Neal (Marlborough)
BD Neal (Marlborough)
CL Neal (Bay of Plenty, Greerton, Tauranga Boys College)
CL Neal (Poverty Bay)
DB Neal (Canterbury Under-17s)
DW Neal (Central Districts)
E Neal (umpire)
E Neal (Wellington Colts)
F Neal (Marlborough)
FS Neal (Thames Valley)
GR Neal (Hawke's Bay, Marlborough)
H Neal (Tai Tapu School)
H Neal (Marlborough Country)
IA Neal (Marlborough)
LEN Neal (Celtic, Godmanchester Town, Marlborough)
M Neal (Marlborough)
MWJ Neal (Marlborough, Marlborough Country)
P Neal (Bay of Plenty)
PB Neal (Hawke's Bay, Marlborough, Wairarapa)
PE Neal (Wellington Under-20s, Wellington Under-23s)
R Neal (Marlborough)
R Neal (Marlborough Country)
RB Neal (Marlborough)
SGD Neal (Celtic, Eastern Suburbs, Marlborough, Nelson)
SMC Neal (Nelson Women)
T Neal (umpire)
TR Neal (Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Marlborough, Waikato)
W Neal (Marlborough)
W Neal (Marlborough)
Neale (scorer)
A Neale (Poverty Bay)
BH Neale (Nelson)
CV Neale (Nelson)
ER Neale (New Zealand Minor Associations, South Island)
C Neame (Nelson)
T Neave (North Otago)
DJ Neazor (Hutt District Cricket Club)
PJ Neazor (scorer)
M Needham (Horowhenua and Kapiti)
ML Needham (Wellington Under-20s)
T Needham (Poverty Bay)
DO Neely (Auckland, Wellington)
JDS Neesham (Auckland, Delhi Daredevils, Derbyshire, Essex, Guyana Amazon Warriors, Hobart Hurricanes, Kent, Kings XI Punjab, Leicestershire, Mumbai Indians, New Zealand, Northamptonshire, Otago, Oval Invincibles Men, Peshawar Zalmi, Pretoria Capitals, Rajasthan Royals, Rangpur Riders, Trinbago Knight Riders, Wellington, Welsh Fire Men)
R Negi (Wellington College)
EJ Negri (West Coast (South Island))
FJ Neighbours (Buller)
K Neighbours (Hutt Valley)
WEG Neighbours (Buller)
DI Neill (East Christchurch-Shirley)
JS Neill (Northern Districts Under-19s Women, Northern Districts Women A)
R Neill (Auckland)
S Neill (Otago Under-20s)
T Neill (Auckland)
B Neilsen (Howick Pakuranga)
T Neilsen (Willows Cricket Club)
Neilson (West Coast (South Island))
A Neilson (Dunedin Metropolitan)
B Neilson (Auckland Under-19s)
C Neilson (Bay of Plenty)
D Neilson (Marlborough Boys College)
DW Neilson (Poverty Bay)
G Neilson (Wanganui Secondary Schools)
GD Neilson (Canterbury Under-20s, Canterbury Under-22s, Canterbury Under-23s, Wellington Second XI)
HJ Neilson (Arrowtown Primary School Girls)
JO Neilson (Christchurch Suburban Association)
KA Neilson (Canterbury Women, Northern Districts Women)
LR Neilson (scorer, umpire)
SC Neilson (Bay of Plenty)
T Neilson (Canterbury Under-22s)
WF Neilson (Canterbury)
C Nel (New Zealand Police Women)
M Nel (Raroa Normal Intermediate School)
RN Neller (Horowhenua)
CL Nelley (New Plymouth Boys High School)
TN Nelley (Central Districts Under-17s, Central Districts Under-19s)
D Nelmes (South Auckland Women)
R Nelmes (Otago)
R Nelper (umpire)
Nelson (scorer)
Nelson (Tararua)
BD Nelson (Franklin)
BJ Nelson (Wellington B, Wellington XI)
FA Nelson (Hawke's Bay)
FM Nelson (Hawke's Bay)
G Nelson (umpire)
J Nelson (Waiapu)
JA Nelson (Hawke's Bay, Otago)
JC Nelson (Central Districts)
JJ Nelson (Auckland Under-19s, New Zealand Under-19s)
JR Nelson (Waikato Valley)
KF Nelson (Northern Districts Under-18s)
KF Nelson (Northland)
MJ Nelson (Northland)
N Nelson (Manawatu)
PF Nelson (Canterbury XI)
R Nelson (Northern Districts Under-17s)
R Nelson (St Patrick's College, Wellington)
TB Nelson (King's School, Auckland)
K Nelson-Esch (Hamilton)
Nepia (Poverty Bay)
H Nesbitt (Central Districts Women)
T Ness (umpire)
TS Nethula (Auckland, Central Districts, New Zealand, Northern Districts)
B Netten (Horowhenua)
R Nettle
CR Nettleton (Auckland Touring Team)
G Nettlingham (Lindisfarne College)
TS Nettlingham (Havelock North Intermediate School)
AD Neumann (Ashburton County)
IM Neumann (Ashburton County)
CR Neutze (South Canterbury)
D Neutze (University and St Heliers)
PS Neutze (Auckland, Northern Districts, Otago)
Neve (Nelson)
JHL Nevill (Rangitikei)
R Nevill (Otago Country)
CJ Nevin (Hampshire Cricket Board, New Zealand, New Zealand Academy, Wellington)
MH Nevin (Hutt Valley)
PA Nevin (umpire)
LW Newbegin (Ashburton County, Taranaki)
EJD Newbigin (Wellington)
Newbold (North Taranaki)
Newbold (Hutt Valley)
J Newbold (Wairarapa)
M Newbold (Midlands)
L Newcombe (West Coast Women)
AT Newdick (New Zealand Under-19s, Wellington Under-17s, Wellington Under-19s)
GA Newdick (Wellington)
J Newdick (Hutt Districts)
M Newell (Rotorua)
Newenham (Dannevirke)
A Newland (Auckland Under-19s)
AI Newland (Wairarapa)
AG Newlands (St Hilda's Collegiate Secondary School)
JX Newlands (John McGlashan College)
Newman (Wellington Mercantile League)
Newman (Poverty Bay)
A Newman (Wellington)
CJ Newman (Auckland Under-20s)
GHF Newman (Hawke's Bay, Wanganui)
J Newman (Canterbury, New Zealand, Wellington)
LJ Newman (Canterbury)
PA Newman (Central Districts)
R Newman (Nelson, Nelson City)
S Newman (Wellington)
TG Newman (Nelson, Nelson City, Nelson Country)
R Newnham (Auckland Under-20s)
C Newport (Marlborough)
D Newport (Motueka)
G Newport (Wanderers)
JN Newport (Nelson)
KIW Newport (Nelson)
Newsome (umpire)
WL Newsome (scorer)
CA Newson (Otago Women)
CD Newson (Northland)
RN Newson (Karori)
AA Newth (Manawatu)
JA Newth (Howick Pakuranga)
KL Newth (Nelson)
T Newth (Nelson)
W Newth (Manawatu Wanderers)
Newton (umpire)
Newton (Westland)
Newton (Hawke's Bay)
B Newton (Chorleywood)
B Newton (Onslow)
BA Newton (scorer)
C Newton (Auckland Normal Intermediate School)
DL Newton (Bay of Plenty)
DR Newton (Manawatu, New Zealand Schools)
FW Newton (Canterbury)
GM Newton (Hawke's Bay)
GM Newton (Hawke's Bay)
HEB Newton (umpire)
J Newton (scorer)
OR Newton (Wellington)
R Newton (Central Districts Colts)
R Newton (Hawke's Bay)
RW Newton (Canterbury, Wellington)
TMM Newton (Canterbury Women, Central Districts Women, New Zealand Women, Perth Scorchers Women, Wellington Women)
TW Newton (Wellington Under-19s)
WH Newton (North Canterbury)
C Neynens (Nelson, Timperley)
JDY Ng (Southland)
DT Ngatai (Poverty Bay)
IH Ngatai (Poverty Bay)
T Ngatai (Denniston Dog Old Boys)
MD Ngatuere (Southern Hawke's Bay)
AD Niblett (Central Districts)
Nichol (South Taranaki)
B Nichol (Central Districts Under-17s)
CF Nichol (umpire)
RS Nichol (Thames Valley)
S Nichol (South Canterbury)
DM Nicholas (umpire)
E Nicholas (Motueka)
JP Nicholas (Marlborough)
K Nicholas (Marlborough)
KR Nicholas (Buller)
BJ Nicholl (Horowhenua and Kapiti)
G Nicholl (Marlborough)
W Nicholl (Hawke's Bay)
Nicholls (Oamaru)
A Nicholls (St Andrew's College, Christchurch)
G Nicholls (Rangitikei)
HM Nicholls (Canterbury, Derbyshire, New Zealand, Sydney Thunder)
J Nicholls (Marlborough)
JC Nicholls (Otago)
K Nicholls (Manawatu, Rangitikei)
KB Nicholls (Taranaki)
L Nicholls (Southern Hawke's Bay)
M Nicholls (Rangitikei)
S Nicholls (Wellington)
S Nicholls (Northern Districts Women A)
J Nichols (Wairau)
WA Nichols (Manawatu)
A Nicholson (Horowhenua)
B Nicholson (Christchurch Suburban Association)
CM Nicholson (Auckland Women, New Zealand Women, North Harbour Women, North Shore Women)
CR Nicholson (Canterbury, Otago)
EC Nicholson (Central Districts Women)
J Nicholson (Poverty Bay)
J Nicholson (Waikato)
JA Nicholson (Auckland)
KA Nicholson (Otago)
M Nicholson (Horowhenua)
NJ Nicholson (Havelock North Intermediate School)
P Nicholson (Southland)
P Nicholson (Auckland XI)
P Nicholson (Otago Under-19s, Otago Under-20s)
P Nicholson (Wellington XI)
R Nicholson (Otago B, Otago Under-20s)
R Nicholson (Poverty Bay)
S Nicholson (Horowhenua)
ST Nicholson (Southland)
VR Nicholson (Otago)
F Nickisson (Hamilton)
A Nicol (Marlborough)
D Nicol (North Otago)
IJ Nicol (North Otago)
J Nicol (Bay of Plenty)
J Nicol (Parnell)
JG Nicol (Canterbury XI)
JW Nicol (Waikato)
RJ Nicol (Auckland, Canterbury, Gloucestershire, Mashonaland Eagles, New Zealand, Otago)
Nicoll (umpire)
AB Nicoll (Westlake Boys High School)
EF Nicoll (Ashburton County)
GB Nicoll (Ashburton County)
GC Nicoll (Ashburton County)
JSB Nicoll (Ashburton County)
JW Nicoll (Auckland Under-20s, New Zealand Universities)
KG Nicoll (Ashburton County)
PC Nicoll (Ashburton County)
WP Nicoll (North Taranaki, Taranaki)
C Nicolli (New Zealand Schools)
EG Nicolson (Auckland Women)
P Nicolson (Thames Valley)
AT Nidamanuru (Auckland, Netherlands)
L Nield (South Auckland)
BJ Nielsen (Auckland)
D Nielsen (Nelson)
F Nielsen (Victoria University, Wellington)
MJG Nielsen (Durham Women, Melbourne Stars Women, New Zealand Women, Northern Districts Women, Otago Women, Southern Vipers)
Nightingale (Wellington XI)
AF Nightingale (Wellington)
AG Nightingale (Nelson)
B Nightingale (Poverty Bay)
DR Nightingale (Bay of Plenty)
HS Nightingale (West Coast (South Island))
S Nightingale (Upper Valley)
A Nigudkar (Mount Albert Grammar School)
Nikhil (Grafton)
M Niles (Bay of Plenty)
JJ Nilsson (umpire)
S Niluminda (Southland)
Nimmo (North Otago)
GS Nimmo (Rangitikei, Wanganui)
IG Nimmo (Karori)
JR Nimmo (Otago)
JR Nimmo (Marlborough)
R Nimmo (Marlborough)
RT Ninkie (Taranaki)
C Nisbet (North Auckland)
N Nisbet (Southland)
RL Nisbet (Northland)
AK Niterl (Counties Manukau)
V Niutao (Eastern Suburbs, Wanganui)
Niven (Otago Boys High School)
BR Niven (Wellington Under-20s, Wellington Under-23s)
IA Niven (Poverty Bay)
J Niven (umpire)
RC Niven (Otago, Wellington)
Nixon (umpire)
A Nixon (Canterbury Kiwis)
B Nixon (Birkenhead City and Takapuna)
B Nixon (Buller High School)
C Nixon (Westland)
DC Nixon (Canterbury)
L Nixon (Hamilton)
LA Nixon (Wanganui)
O Nixon (Marlborough)
PJ Nixon (New Zealand Schools)
RJ Nixon (Midlands)
W Nixon (Buller)
Noble (Palmerston North Girls High School)
GS Noble (Southland)
J Noble (Athletic, Buller)
JY Noble (Wellington Women)
PK Noble (Hutt Valley, Wairarapa)
T Noble (Central Districts Under-21s Women)
AW Noema-Barnett (Manawatu, Onslow, Palmerston North Boys High School)
K Noema-Barnett (Central Districts, Gloucestershire, Otago)
MM Noema-Barnett (Palmerston North Girls High School)
B Nolan (Heaton Intermediate School Girls)
D Nolan (Midlands)
J Nolan (Auckland)
J Nolan (umpire)
JJB Nolan (Rangitikei)
JP Nolen (Hamilton, Hamilton Eastern Suburbs, Suburbs-New Lynn)
WM Noon (Canterbury Invitation XI)
BH Noonan (Taranaki)
AD Norman (Canterbury)
BC Norman (Poverty Bay)
D Norman (Central Districts Under-17s, Central Districts Under-19s)
D Norman (Manawatu)
D Norman (EC Petrie's XI)
GB Norman (Auckland Second XI, Auckland Under-22s)
MJ Norman (Canterbury Women)
MJ Norman (Takapuna)
P Norman (Wanganui Girls College)
RB Norman (Poverty Bay)
SL Norman (Central Districts Women)
VR Norman (Poverty Bay)
WB Norman (Auckland)
W Norrie (Timaru)
CF Norris (Southern Hawke's Bay)
D Norris (Southern Hawke's Bay)
M Norris (Poverty Bay)
ME Norris (Otago Women)
O Norris (Tauranga Intermediate School)
RW Norris (umpire)
WE Norris (Wellington)
North (Combined Services)
AW North (umpire)
I North (Wanganui)
J North (Canterbury XI)
RH North (Canterbury)
T North (Westland)
TH North (Canterbury)
GS Northcote (umpire)
DE Northcott (Bay of Plenty, Taranaki)
R Northcott (Taranaki)
Northcroft (Marlborough)
FS Northe (Hawke's Bay)
MJ Northern (Heaton Intermediate School Girls)
B Northey (Manawatu Women)
ARA Northover (Central Districts Women)
GB Northover (Manawatu Wanderers)
NJ Northover (Southern Hawke's Bay)
R Northwood (Taranaki)
S Norton (umpire)
OC Norwood (Tauranga Boys College)
SR Noster (Canterbury, Karori, Norwich)
J Notman (West Coast (North Island))
JH Nott (Hawke's Bay)
GC Nottage (Franklin, Waikato)
L Nottall (umpire)
B Notting (Poverty Bay)
AC Nottingham (Canterbury B, Canterbury XI)
IR Nottle (Buller)
NE Nottle (Ashburton County, Buller)
RA Nottle (Buller)
HC Nottman (Auckland)
B Nowland (Midlands)
T Nowland (Victoria University, Wellington)
JS Nugent (Poverty Bay)
F Nukunuku (scorer)
TW Nukunuku (Poverty Bay, Stokes Valley)
TW Nukunuku (Northern Districts Under-18s)
H Nunn (Wellington B)
H Nunn (Hutt District Cricket Club)
CE Nurse (Waiapu)
W Nutsford (South Canterbury)
AJ Nuttall (Canterbury)
B Nuttall (North Otago)
C Nuttall (Christchurch Suburban Association)
EJ Nuttall (Canterbury)
EYL Nuttall (Heaton Intermediate School Girls)
HA Nuttall (Canterbury Under-17s)
IA Nuttall (North Otago)
JS Nuttall (Kaikorai)
LR Nye (South Canterbury)





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