
Fielding in Second Eleven Championship 1984 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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ND Burns (Es)13302151
SJ Rhodes (Yor)15351146
GA Tedstone (Wk)1829938
BJM Maher (Dy)1122830
CW Scott (Nt)1526834
DJ Smith (Sx)1118624
J Stanworth (La)923629
CFE Goldie (Ham)1227330
GS Joyce (Sm)48311
SA Marsh (Kent)1231334
RC Russell (Gs)1437
SNV Waterton (Kent)1214317
KR Brown (Mx)1118220
EW Jones (Gm)5325
RG Jones (Gm)1224
DJ Pearson (La)3527
JM Robinson (Wk)814216
JA Spalton (Sy)1224
SJ Turner (Sm)2527
P Whitticase (Le)1119221
AJ Brassington (Gs)519120
A Davies (Gm)1213
MA Garnham (Le)1314
AC Harlow (Nr)2314
TJ Head (Sx)1112
C Marples (Dy)2516
CP Metson (Mx)511112
P Moores (Wo)915116
D Ripley (Nr)6718
RN Abberley (Wk)157 7
JP Addison (Le)81 1
JA Afford (Nt)143 3
IS Anderson (Dy)65 5
K Andrews (Wo)22 2
AP Arundell (Yor)147 7
RL Ashton (Nr)108 8
Asif Din (Wk)1414 14
JCM Atkinson (Sm)32 2
PAC Bail (Sm)43 3
P Bainbridge (Gs)22 2
MR Baker (Nr)11 1
JC Balderstone (Le)55 5
MJ Bamber (Nr)82 2
DA Banks (Wo)55 5
JP Barnard (Ham)11 1
JK Barrow (Ham)11 1
MJ Beck (Nt)11 1
MR Benson (Kent)55 5
JD Birch (Nt)12 2
M Blackett (Le,Mx)32 2
RJ Blakey (Yor)1532 32
TJ Boon (Le)21 1
PA Booth (Yor)106 6
SC Booth (Sm)77 7
MK Bore (Nt)145 5
RJ Boyd-Moss (Nr)21 1
NA Bradshaw (La)43 3
AM Bredin (Sx)72 2
DC Briance (Sx)42 2
KG Brooks (Dy)116 6
I Broome (Dy)83 3
AM Brown (Dy)105 5
GK Brown (Mx)34 4
CK Bullen (Sy)1413 13
RA Bunting (Nr)64 4
IR Bussey (Sm)22 2
PR Butler (Nr)12 2
DJ Callaghan (Sx)104 4
MJ Cann (Gm)169 9
DJ Capel (Nr)44 4
IR Carmichael (Es,Le)82 2
JD Carr (Mx)512 12
MR Chadwick (La)1417 17
GM Charlesworth (Wk)64 4
JH Childs (Gs)92 2
IJ Chivers (Ham)52 2
KM Clarke (Sm)11 1
G Clifford (Wo)72 2
GS Clinton (Sy)21 1
RA Cobb (Le)64 4
CA Connor (Ham)21 1
CR Cook (Mx)115 5
SR Cootes (Ham)53 3
JA Coster (Es)21 1
CS Cowdrey (Kent)34 4
GR Cowdrey (Kent)138 8
S Cox (Sx)22 2
DG Cummins (Mx)21 1
EJ Cunningham (Gs)67 7
IJ Curtis (Sy)82 2
CS Dale (Gs)52 2
IC Davidson (La)177 7
RP Davis (Dy,Kent)62 2
J Day (Nr,Wo)21 1
PAJ DeFreitas (Le,Mx)42 2
PJ Delaney (Nt)52 2
SJ Dennis (Yor)41 1
J Derrick (Gm)86 6
TPJ Dodd (Sx)34 4
DB D'Oliveira (Wo)24 4
RJ Doughty (Gs)810 10
J Dunn (Sx,Wo)21 1
AJ Dutton (Le)32 2
PNS Dutton (Gm)14 4
RIHB Dyer (Wk)79 9
RE East (Es)916 16
R Edwards (Gs)24 4
RM Ellcock (Wo)62 2
RGP Ellis (Mx)105 5
CM Elward (Gm)33 3
KSD Emery (Ham)83 3
KP Evans (Nt)1517 17
RJ Evans (Nt)43 3
NH Fairbrother (La)23 3
NJ Falkner (Sy)138 8
NA Felton (Sm)32 2
SAR Ferguson (Es,Sm,Sx)93 3
GJF Ferris (Le)21 1
MG Field-Buss (Es)128 8
MV Fleming (Kent,Wo)105 5
SD Fletcher (Yor)42 2
NA Folland (Gs)12 2
I Folley (La)107 7
RJM Foord (Sy)13 3
A Fordham (Nr)123 3
NA Foster (Es)11 1
WP Fowler (Dy)21 1
KN Foyle (Le)81 1
DA Francis (Gm)63 3
ARC Fraser (Mx)93 3
CD Fraser-Darling (Nt)1512 12
MD Gibson (Le)92 2
SC Goldsmith (Kent)138 8
IJ Gould (Sx)11 1
MR Gouldstone (Nr)85 5
C Graham (Nr)11 1
RJ Grant (Wk)41 1
AM Green (Sx)22 2
RC Green (Gm)155 5
BJ Griffiths (Nr)21 1
DJ Hacker (Ham)43 3
R Hall (Sm)11 1
JH Hampshire (Dy)11 1
PS Handley (Nt)12 2
RJ Harden (Sm)112 2
JJE Hardy (Ham)64 4
MD Harman (Sm)52 2
SN Hartley (Yor)22 2
PW Harvey (Es)11 1
AR Harwood (Gs,Mx,Nr)51 1
SB Hassan (Nt)12 2
MJ Haswell (Sm)41 1
C Haven (Sx)41 1
KA Hayes (La)72 2
AN Hayhurst (La)41 1
MD Haysman (Le)813 13
EE Hemmings (Nt)13 3
SP Henderson (Gm)1216 16
AB Henschell (Nt)1013 13
R Herbert (Es)53 3
GA Hick (Wo)1017 17
ND Hicks (Sy)51 1
K Higgs (Le)25 5
KP Higgs (Le)22 2
SG Hinks (Kent)107 7
GD Hodgson (La)12 2
DS Hoffman (Wk)157 7
GC Holmes (Gm)42 2
NCJ Holmes (Es)11 1
C Hume (Kent)32 2
DJ Humphries (Wo)24 4
P Hunt (Wo)11 1
A Hussain (Es)53 3
M Hussain (Ham)95 5
KBK Ibadulla (Wk)1712 12
AP Igglesden (Kent)101 1
RC Iliffe (Es)74 4
I Irvine (Wo)21 1
KD James (Mx)104 4
PW Jarvis (Yor)87 7
Javed Miandad (Gm)21 1
JA John (Gm)41 1
C Johnson (Yor)1527 27
P Johnson (Nt)128 8
A Jones (Gm)61 1
AN Jones (Sx)53 3
AP Jones (Sm)41 1
KG Jones (Sm)11 1
RF Joseph (Nr)21 1
Kapil Dev (Wo)11 1
DJM Kelleher (Kent)83 3
W Kelleher (Wo)11 1
SJS Kimber (Ham,Wo)112 2
SAJ Kippax (Nt)35 5
SR Lampitt (Wk,Wo)31 1
RM Layton (Mx)11 1
RJ Leiper (Es)1314 14
NJ Lenham (Sx)33 3
C Lethbridge (Wk)22 2
AW Lilley (Es)119 9
SJ Lines (Nr)84 4
BJ Lloyd (Gm)118 8
JW Lloyds (Sm)35 5
GJ Lord (Wk)116 6
JD Love (Yor)33 3
RG Lumb (Yor)56 6
KJ Lyons (Gm)62 2
MSA McEvoy (Wo)86 6
SM McEwan (Wo)11 1
LL McFarlane (La)82 2
KS Mackintosh (Sy)43 3
IRJ McLaren (Wo)11 1
BE McNamara (Sy)43 3
SW Maddock (Gm)72 2
DJ Makinson (La)138 8
SJ Malone (Ham)113 3
PH Marks (Sy)43 3
DJR Martindale (Nt)167 7
RJ Maru (Ham)66 6
RCW Mason (Ham)42 2
SNC Massey (Wo)54 4
KD Masters (Kent)126 6
WJP Matthews (Wk)107 7
SP Maybury (Gm)11 1
C Maynard (La)36 6
MP Maynard (Gm,Kent)118 8
CS Mays (Sx)51 1
KT Medlycott (Sy)128 8
SR Mee (Nt)42 2
SA Meredith (Gm)22 2
AA Metcalfe (Yor)97 7
TC Middleton (Ham)93 3
AJT Miller (Mx)54 4
RD Miller (Es,Gs)21 1
DG Moir (Dy)41 1
AJ Moles (Wk)66 6
GJ Money (Dy)51 1
G Monkhouse (Sy)32 2
SJ Monks (Dy)11 1
H Morris (Gm)55 5
JE Morris (Dy)41 1
W Morton (Wk)1011 11
AJ Moxham (Gs)52 2
B Mulder (Le)86 6
SD Myles (Dy)21 1
SM Nasir Zaidi (La)1211 11
A Needham (Sy)21 1
M Newell (Nt)1412 12
PJ Newport (Wo)72 2
NG Nicholson (Yor)51 1
CR Norris (Wk)1510 10
ME O'Connor (Ham)32 2
CM Old (Wk)11 1
S Oldham (Yor)31 1
MWC Olley (Nr)54 4
RL Ollis (Sm)89 9
PM O'Reilly (Wk)71 1
JA Ormrod (La)11 1
GV Palmer (Sm)21 1
BG Parkinson (Sy)54 4
HV Patel (Wo)1111 11
RV Patel (Le)107 7
BP Patterson (La)73 3
DB Pauline (Sy)95 5
IR Payne (Sy)1315 15
C Penn (Kent)31 1
RM Pepper (Kent)87 7
N Phillip (Es)32 2
CP Phillipson (Sx)89 9
RA Pick (Nt)92 2
CS Pickles (Yor)83 3
JR Pickles (Wo)31 1
AG Pierrepont (Dy)84 4
ARK Pierson (Wk)22 2
ACS Pigott (Sx)22 2
H Pilling (La)157 7
NEJ Pocock (Ham)33 3
KR Pont (Es)104 4
L Potter (Kent)912 12
CM Presland (Nr)78 8
MR Price (Gm)1611 11
PJ Prichard (Es)61 1
NV Radford (La)96 6
KG Rice (Sm)21 1
ML Roberts (Gm)34 4
MJ Robinson (Gs)45 5
PE Robinson (Yor)61 1
PJ Robinson (Sm)55 5
PGP Roebuck (Gs)54 4
LM Roll (Gs)12 2
PW Romaines (Gs)11 1
GD Rose (Mx)125 5
CJC Rowe (Gm)85 5
CFBP Rudd (Wk)59 9
PE Russell (Dy)63 3
DJ Sabine (Kent)11 1
RR Savage (Gs,Ham)41 1
GJ Saville (Es)13 3
S Schofield (Le)12 2
MG Scothern (Wo)21 1
K Scott (Wk)12 2
MS Scott (Sx)124 4
RJ Scott (Ham)96 6
MJ Sedgley (Wo)44 4
ACH Seymour (Es)21 1
R Sharma (Dy)74 4
C Shaw (Yor)112 2
SM Shearman (Mx)11 1
RG Short (Kent)22 2
PA Slocombe (Sm)1015 15
I Smith (Gm)127 7
LK Smith (Gs)68 8
RA Smith (Ham)88 8
RCR Smith (Sx)21 1
WM Smith (Gs)42 2
GJ Speak (La)87 7
CN Spinks (Nr)114 4
DK Standing (Sx)102 2
PJ Staplehurst (Es)11 1
JP Stephenson (Es)115 5
GB Stevenson (Yor)44 4
K Stevenson (Ham)82 2
AJ Stewart (Sy)926 26
IWE Stokes (Wk)1111 11
AC Storie (Nr)139 9
PM Such (Nt)51 1
IG Swallow (Yor)109 9
JF Sykes (Mx)97 7
A Tate (Yor)84 4
CM Taylor (Le)13 3
JP Taylor (Dy)105 5
NR Taylor (Kent)21 1
DA Thorne (Wk)54 4
PW Threlfall (Wk)51 1
J Tindale (Dy)32 2
KP Tomlins (Mx)65 5
TD Topley (Gs)21 1
CR Trembath (Gs)64 4
PCR Tufnell (Mx,Sx)54 4
MS Turner (Sm)11 1
RC Turpin (Sm)12 2
DW Varey (La)118 8
S Wall (Wk)74 4
MA Wallwork (La)27 7
T Wallwork (La)18 8
DM Ward (Sy)1317 17
I Waring (Sm)11 1
AE Warner (Wo)61 1
PA Waterman (Sy)103 3
SL Watkin (Gm)61 1
M Watkinson (La)41 1
RG Watson (La)124 4
MA Wedderburn (Ham)31 1
CP Westcott (Sm)11 1
MJ Weston (Wo)22 2
MBH Wheeler (Nr)94 4
JN Whitehouse (Es,Yor)31 1
DJ Wild (Nr)21 1
NF Williams (Mx)31 1
NR Williams (Sm)11 1
A Willows (Sx)73 3
PHL Wilson (Sm)72 2
DJ Wood (Sx)117 7
LJ Wood (Kent)114 4
SH Wootton (Gs)82 2
AJ Wright (Gs)43 3
JP Wright (Le,Wo)65 5
JG Wyatt (Sm)65 5





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