
Players (S) who have played for Kent Colts North of Medway or for associated teams


I Sabharwal 2019
CS Sabin 1903
DJ Sabine 1984-1989
Lord JP Sackville 1744
D Sadler 1961
J Sagar 1947
MJ Saggers 1999-2009
N Saini 2022
NC Saker 2011
S Saker 2009
B Sales 2009
H Salter 2005
KJ Salter 1964
L Samarasinghe 2003-2007
WJ Samms 1903
P Sampson 1999
A Samson 2021
T Sanders 1837-1838
Sanderson 1907
BH Sandiford 1899-1902
PM Sankey 1852
WGM Sarel 1911-1914
A Sarkar 2024
J Saunders 1827
W Saunders 1856-1857
Savage 1976
TA Savanhu 2007
TBB Savi 1863
M Savill 1903
W Sawyer 1744
S Saxby 1875-1878
SD Saxena 2003
DM Sayer 1955-1976
J Saywell 1876-1882
R Saywell 1876
JEK Schofield 1999
D Scoggins 2010-2014
A Scott 2007-2016
A Scott 1844
AP Scott 1971-2006
D Scott 2006
DA Scott 1995-2000
GA Scott 1900
HA Scott 2016-2019
JKC Scott 1937
LK Scott 1863-1869
PD Scott 1995
R Scott 1966-1975
J Seager 1864
T Seal 2014
W Searle 1827-1829
L Seeff 1981
RT Sehmi 2011-2015
Selby 1800
T Selby 1839-1841
Seldon 1959
A Seldon 1961
LJA Seldon 1961-1991
M Seldon 1961
R Selleck 1975-1976
R Sellick 1975
NJ Selman 2014-2015
L Selvey-Clinton 2023-2024
M Semmens 2022-2023
AA Senn 2006-2008
AMA Senn 2011
A Service 1929
S Severanjan 2020
GR Severin 2023-2024
JWD Seward 2024
RP Sewell 1884
T Sewell jun 1856-1866
T Sewell sen 1852
J Seymour 1901-1926
M Seymour 1973-1974
SP Seymour 2009
R Shaddock 2016-2018
J Shah 2015
Shahid Afridi 2004
P Shand 1963
A Shanks 2014-2015
S Shanks 2021
R Sharath 2014
SM Sharif 2021
A Sharma 2023
M Sharma 1983
R Sharma 2014-2015
R Sharma 1982-1983
R Sharma 2014
Raj Sharma 1981-1983
S Sharma 2013-2017
SK Sharma 1982-1986
GJ Sharman 1959
Sharp 1826
TJ Sharpe 2000
C Shaw 1876
G Shaw 1872
I Shaw 2021
JM Shaw 1858-1867
N Shaw 1977
SA Shaw 2010-2013
VK Shaw 1875-1878
SROR Shearburn 1948-1949
D Shearman 1865
GJJ Sheen 1993-1995
J Sheen 1967
R Sheen 1968
Sheerlock 1800
EJ Sheffield 1933
William A Sheffield 2022
A Sheikh 2019
PA Shenton 1960-1961
JN Shepherd 1965-1981
T Shepherd 1959
T Sheppard 1959-1960
A Sheriyar 2003-2005
EB Shine 1896-1899
S Shipp 2002
R Shipton 2018
R Shipton 2014-2015
R Shipton 2021
DC Shirazi 2003
AC Shirreff 1950-1956
Shojib Ali 2009
Short 1962
K Short 2003
RG Short 1982-1985
CE Shreck 2011-2013
C Shrimpton 1947
J Shuter 1874-1875
LA Shuter 1874-1875
LRWA Shuter 1908
R Sian 2023-2024
RN Sidebottom 2023
A Sievyer 1973
Simmons 1847
D Simmons 1975
R Simmons 1773-1777
S Simmons 2004
S Simmons 2002-2004
S Simonini 2011
S Simonini 2018
Simons 1977
A Simpson 2017
EH Simpson 1896
GA Simpson 1922-1949
I Simpson 1975
L Sims 2024
A Singh 2018
E Singh 2018-2024
J Singh 2019-2025
KS Singh 1901-1902
S Singh 2008
E Sivewright 1828
C Skinner 1904-1909
JE Skinner 1980-1982
Slatem 2003
R Slater 2022
G Slinn 1868
ED Slynn 1951
Small 1788
J Small jun 1795
R Small 1966
A Smallwood 2011
Smith 1836
Smith 1785
Smith 1959
Smith 1909-1914
Smith 1805-1807
Smith 1896
Smith 1800
Smith 1881
A Smith 1862
A Smith 1862
A Smith 2012-2015
AL Smith 2009-2010
BL Smith 2007-2013
C Smith 1959
C Smith 2017
C Smith 1989
CB Smith 1898-1901
CM Smith 1955
D Smith 2018
DC Smith 2015-2016
DT Smith 2003-2007
ET Smith 1996-2004
F Smith 2021-2024
G Smith 1951-1958
GAJ Smith 1910-1914
H Smith 2007-2019
H Smith 2004
H Smith 1892
J Smith 1892
J Smith 1983
J Smith 1792-1793
J Smith 2015
JP Smith 2004
K Smith 2023
MW Smith 1932
NL Smith 2013-2014
O Smith 2018-2021
RA Smith 2017
RTP Smith 1949
S Smith 1851-1856
S Smith 1959
S Smith 1856
S Smith 2020
SPD Smith 2007
SV Smith 1938
SWC Smith 2014-2023
T Smith 2021-2023
TV Smith 1996
W Smith 1840-1857
W Smith 2023
L Smithers 1909
W Smithers 1906
K Smith-Knight 2023
WA Smith-Masters 1875
B Smyth 1858
HDM Snape 2004-2008
S Snater 2019
DGH Snell 2010
HJ Snow 1830
AO Snowden 1908-1914
HTH Snowden 1934-1947
GJ Snyman 2023
WJ Sobczak 2014
A Sohanpal 2008
IS Sohi 2018-2019
FD Solbé 1891-1892
EP Solbé 1921-1924
E Solly 2012
G Sorrell 2023-2024
C South 2024
OM Southon 2018
S Southon 1825-1826
W Southon 1861
M Southwell 2023
G Spain 1859
J Spalding 1953-1955
JG Spanswick 1951-1956
C Spanton 2022
C Spanton 1961
J Sparks 1822
J Speer 2014-2015
C Speller 2009-2011
GD Spelman 1977-1982
MC Spelman 2011-2018
A Spencer 1989-2007
DJ Spencer 1993-1996
JB Spencer 1843
S Spencer 1860-1864
TW Spencer 1934-1946
WP Spens 1931
Spicer 1876
Spiers 1869
Spittles 1893
WH Spottiswoode 1880-1890
J Squire 2006-2007
T Squire 2009
T Squire 2006
S Sridar 2009
S Sridhar 2010-2011
C Stafford 2012
A Staines 1863-1864
RW Standen 1966-1968
R Standish 1865
DAT Standring 1930
EJ Stanford 1993-1998
J Stanford 2019-2022
R Stanford 1785-1787
E Stanhope 1861
AW Stansfeld 1935-1936
AW Stansfeld 1931
HA Stanway 1949
G Stapeley 1879-1882
KD Staple 2005-2022
H Stapley 1880
S Stapley 1881
W Stearman 1836-1840
Stebbing 1894-1903
P Steinhobel 1985
JK Stenning 1900
GM Stephens 1996
J Stephens 2005
M Stephens 1961
Sterling 1938
O Sterling 1946
P Sterling 2014-2015
Stevens 1962
DI Stevens 2005-2022
E Stevens 1774-1782
M Stevens 2005
WF Stevens 1865
Stewart 1865
G Stewart 2017-2025
HC Stewart 1892-1903
J Stewart 1864
DH Stickels 2004-2010
ME Stiddard 2014-2016
DA Stiff 2004-2006
Stillman 1800
C Stirling 1938-1946
CH Stobo 2024
B Stock 2012-2015
MP Stoinis 2012-2018
F Stokes 1868-1875
G Stokes 1880-1881
L Stokes 1877-1880
D Stone 2017
EB Stone 1861-1863
FW Stone 1862
L Stone 1995
R Stone 1790
PA Stooks 1967-1970
K Storey 1980
L Stowe 1995
GC Strahan 1907
PA Strang 1997
DJ Strathern 1946
FM Strawson 1924
A Streatfeild 1859
FN Streatfeild 1865-1866
RJ Streatfeild 1854-1862
AM Streatfeild-Moore 1885-1888
Street 1906
Street 1922
FE Street 1875-1877
O Streets 2017-2021
R Stringer 2012
M Stroudley 2002-2014
Studart 1897-1902
TG Sturgess 2024
Summerfield 1977
PR Sunnucks 1932-1946
S Survana 2019
R Sutcliffe 1969
HB Sutherland 1871
MDR Sutliff 2001
AP Sutton 2011
C Swadkin 1974-2019
C Swadkin 2023
J Swaffer 1873
Swaine 1871
B Swanepoel 2024
EG Swann 1843-1848
P Swart 2021-2023
TF Swinford 1874
F Sykes 2024
AR Sylvester 2024
J Symes 1966
A Symonds 1999-2004
AH Syrée 1879
MAS Syrett 2005-2006





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