
Fielding in NatWest Girls County Age Group Under-15 T20 2015 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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K Bennett (Ches)6336
RG Edge (Norf)3123
R Chipman (Le)4112
PL Davies (Staff)5011
MW Davis (Kent)4213
A Dowse (Sx)4112
I Godfrey (Wk)5213
RM Southby (Sy)4011
SA Utteridge (Suff)3213
A Watson (Wales)4011
ER Winter (Cum)2011
R Woodnorth (Ox)4112
A Anderson (Nthum)31 1
H Anderson (Ches)31 1
R Andre (Berk)41 1
A Ansar (Ham)41 1
H Armitage (Nt)52 2
B Ashley (Nthum)31 1
C Ashton (La)31 1
C Aubin (Dor)22 2
H Bacon (Dy)21 1
R Ball (Dev)21 1
G Ballinger (Wk)31 1
ZMM Barkes (Cam)52 2
G Barlow (Dy)51 1
G Barton (Dy)61 1
HDM Bates (Buck)32 2
L Baxter (Kent)42 2
I Beasley (Dev)41 1
S Beaumont (Berk)21 1
LK Bell (Berk)43 3
RA Bentley (Sy)21 1
H Bonnell (Berk)41 1
M Brayson (Nthum)22 2
S Buckton (Wk)54 4
F Campbell (Mx)42 2
B Casterton (Corn)41 1
AM Chapman (Es)41 1
ER Cheatle (Dy)62 2
EC Claridge (Buck)31 1
O Clark (Lin)41 1
E Claydon (Le)21 1
IM Cloke (Hert,Kent)72 2
DL Collins (La,LaD)51 1
M Conybeare (Gs)21 1
R Cookson (LaD)21 1
SJ Corbishley (Staff)52 2
K Cox (Nt)52 2
M Crofts (Nt)41 1
C Cross (Ches)33 3
H Crowther (Hunt)31 1
C Croxford (Nr)21 1
A Cubitt (Norf)21 1
F Cutler (Sy)21 1
AA Darlow (Yor)31 1
E Dawson (Wk)12 2
ER Derrer (Wo)21 1
K de Sousa (Cam)51 1
K Dixon (Cum)45 5
BJ Dodd (Es)41 1
S Doherty (Dy)61 1
R Evans (Mx)44 4
R Evans (Wales)43 3
RA Fackrell (Wk)51 1
H Farrer (La,LaD)61 1
HL Fenby (Dur)32 2
RL Fenney (Wo)53 3
JA Filer (Sm)42 2
E Finch (Es)41 1
E Fletcher (Cam)31 1
S Florides (Dev)42 2
H Forsyth (Dur)21 1
B Fowle (Mx)11 1
B Garratty (La,LaD)61 1
L George (Wales)43 3
E Gibbins (La,LaD)61 1
TP Gilkes (Wk)52 2
G Gill (Ches)61 1
A Gillett (Ham)41 1
I Gilliver (Dor)41 1
AA Glen (Yor)11 1
Z Glendinning (Cum)32 2
J Goldsmid (Sy)41 1
AG Gordon (Sy)42 2
L Grain (Ox)41 1
C Guppy (Berk)41 1
G Guthrie (Ox)21 1
A Hamblin (Suff)41 1
S Hamilton (Sm)41 1
R Hannay (Dor)31 1
EA Harbourne (Kent)42 2
B Harford (Mx)31 1
MD Harrison-Hooton (Dev)21 1
L Hartley (Norf)11 1
M Havard (Yor)31 1
C Hayes (Ox)41 1
BAM Heath (Dy)63 3
K Heathfield (Nr)62 2
L Heathfield (Nr)51 1
A Heaton (Cum)42 2
NR Hebron (Es)41 1
CL Helps (Buck)31 1
C Hewson (Es)43 3
AV Hill (Gs)41 1
B Hill (Wo)51 1
G Hill (Kent)31 1
A Hills (Es)21 1
M Hobson (Hert)21 1
M Home (Shrop)44 4
C Hopkins (Gs)41 1
O Horsfield (La,LaD)31 1
B Hughes (Wales)41 1
S Hughes (Wales)43 3
E Hunt (Buck)21 1
K Hunwin (Hunt)21 1
J Imms (Wk)41 1
K Jackson (Ches)61 1
S Jackson (Wo)42 2
O James (Nt)31 1
D Jeanes (Sm)41 1
EKR Jeffreys (Here)51 1
F Johnston (Suff)21 1
A Jones (Sx)11 1
M Jones (Staff)52 2
E Joss (Here)21 1
A Keable (Dy)41 1
E Kelly (Suff)21 1
I Kendall (Here)41 1
AJ Kite (Wo)51 1
B Landy (Sx)41 1
Z Latif (Mx)31 1
C Livingstone (Suff)41 1
F Llewellyn (Wo)11 1
O Locke (Suff)41 1
E Lord (Mx)11 1
C McCafferty (Berk)11 1
CM McCarthy (Sx)21 1
A McDonnell (Nthum)32 2
M Mackenzie (Sy)41 1
M Marris (Lin)41 1
E Martin (Dev)22 2
EC Mason (Ches)21 1
T Mason (Buck)31 1
M Matthews (Sm)21 1
Z Matthews (La,LaD)22 2
J Mayho (Ox)21 1
D Meadowcroft (Dev)21 1
M Mee (Le)31 1
N Milhofer (Gs)41 1
B Milnes (Lin)24 4
AZ Monaghan (Ham)42 2
A Morley (Yor)33 3
DE Mullan (La,LaD)41 1
SEN Munro (Nt)51 1
B Myers (Nr)53 3
F Needham (Wo)31 1
E Noble (Ox)44 4
J North (Sx)41 1
C O'Keefe (Dev)24 4
VM Pack (Dor)41 1
S Patel (Mx)21 1
E Pearce (Dor)11 1
RE Pembroke (Wilt)21 1
H Phillips (Nr)42 2
RE Potter (Ox)42 2
HM Poulter (Yor)22 2
S Pyne (Le)43 3
I Randall (Dy)61 1
A Richards (Sm)42 2
AC Richards (Kent)42 2
E Richardson (Corn)43 3
F Rogers (Here)11 1
MEW Rogers (Berk)42 2
H Rollason (Shrop)21 1
IFK Routledge (Cam)31 1
E Royle (Ches)51 1
M Salama (Kent)42 2
C Sanders (Shrop)43 3
K Scarratt (Staff)33 3
E Shoemark (Gs)42 2
SA Short (Ches)41 1
IEJ Sims (Staff)31 1
A Smith (Wo)31 1
M Smith (Es)23 3
N Smith (Gs)21 1
M Snape (La,LaD)24 4
B Solomon (Nr)42 2
KE Speed (Hunt)31 1
KL Sperring (Cam)51 1
D Stamp (Ox)42 2
A Stockdale (Here)51 1
B Stroh (Le)42 2
L Thomas (Ox)41 1
JK Thornton (Wales)52 2
PE Timson (Es)41 1
A Travers (Sy)41 1
L Wade (Suff)42 2
C Wale (Le)41 1
C Ward (Ham)44 4
K Webb (Cam)51 1
E Woodhead (Yor)31 1
JA Woolston (Dur)31 1
P Wragg (La,LaD)62 2
J Young (Sx)21 1





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