
Fielding in Liverpool and District Cricket Competition 1929 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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JA Trill (Sef)25161632
S Burrows (Huy)2417926
GFG Rees (Wall)20131023
JE Blair (High)2415722
SMH Spearing (NB)2516521
W Duckham (Form)2520 20
J Henderson (Nest)2117118
FW Baucher (Boot)2213417
M Ainscough (Orm)2116 16
HGE Prescott (Oxton)1261016
PS Boult (Liv)169615
AR Crooke (BP)249615
WL Shaw (Huy)2515 15
H Tyldesley (Oxton)2414 14
WE Hickmott (Wall)2413 13
LN Jones (BH)1713 13
B Tyler (Liv)1913 13
KH McEntyre (Wall)2212 12
W Nutter (NB)2712 12
WS Scott (Nor)2010212
B Barrell (Huy)2611 11
AR Stewart-Grant (NB)2511 11
E Davies (Sef)2610 10
WO Davies (High)2510 10
TW Jefferson (Oxton)2410 10
RS Turner (Liv)1910 10
NL Clarke (NB)229 9
C Danson (Oxton)219 9
RP Fisk (NB)259 9
WE Jones (BH)159 9
RF McEntegart (Huy)269 9
W Robinson (Orm)189 9
HP Swift (Nest)199 9
J Abel (Wall)168 8
JJ Formby (High)218 8
MR Formby (Form)228 8
WE Lewis (Boot)218 8
DP McEntyre (Liv)178 8
HB Noon (SB)138 8
EG Parker (Oxton)208 8
HG Tomkinson (Sef)268 8
JL White (Boot)218 8
FC Cockle (BP)147 7
GM Coomer (Sef)227 7
A Dalton (Sef)257 7
JE Dodd (Boot)217 7
H Gower-Jones (NB)257 7
F Hack (BH)187 7
T Hall (Boot)247 7
FC Harrison (Nor)177 7
SB McQueen (High)197 7
G Miller (Sef)237 7
W Shardlow (Orm)207 7
HA Thomas (Boot)197 7
A Threlfall (Boot)207 7
WA Warren (SB)137 7
JK Burkitt (Liv)146 6
LJ Davies (Form)18516
RE Formby (High)166 6
EW Gittens (Huy)196 6
A Graves (Boot)186 6
CA Kinnear (Liv)86 6
JW Moorby (Orm)206 6
RL Moorby (Orm)196 6
AH Robertson (High)166 6
JM Swift (Nest)226 6
SRC Walmsley (Form)116 6
JG Williams (Oxton)236 6
EP Anderton (Orm)75 5
JR Barnes (Orm)165 5
W Brumpton (Huy)185 5
HA Coward (Form)11325
WG Drinkwater (Sef)195 5
JK Edmundson (Huy)225 5
GH Ferns (BP)235 5
HW Hodgson (BP)235 5
GB Horrocks (SB)7325
N Hughes (BP)205 5
JWT Lashmar (Nor)215 5
GA McEntyre (Liv,Wall)165 5
CL Moore (Huy)125 5
WF Simpson (High)145 5
GC Smith (Sef)145 5
HR Stacey (Nor)205 5
T Stone (Huy)155 5
JHB Sullivan (Nest)215 5
CJ Barlow (NB)74 4
RP Bloor (BP)234 4
HS Brown (Boot)244 4
HH Bryant (Huy)24314
JD Davies (Boot)204 4
FJ Griffiths (Nest)134 4
LG Hales (BH)164 4
H Hobley (Boot)64 4
HG Howell-Jones (Nor)124 4
AL McEntyre (Wall)204 4
AL Marsh (High)214 4
AW Midgley (NB)234 4
C Monhemius (Nor)54 4
HT Parker (High)244 4
J Pratt (BH)15224
GN Purchase (Nor)84 4
FA Rushton (SB)114 4
TB Tod (Liv)84 4
HH Tomlinson (Nest)154 4
GL Woods (Orm)214 4
MS Woods (Orm)184 4
CGP Alliston (SB)123 3
JK Bibby (Orm)93 3
N Carter (BP)213 3
AH Cockroft (BP)113 3
G Conning (High)63 3
IHG Graham (Oxton)203 3
W Griffiths (Oxton)73 3
RP Heywood (Form)243 3
JP Hodgson (BP)223 3
J Howard (Sef)223 3
P Huddleston (Nest)113 3
J Lewis (Form)5213
CA Manning (Nor)193 3
F Miller (Sef)73 3
WA Milne (Oxton)193 3
FC Morris (NB)153 3
WL Nelson (Nor)163 3
AE Nutter (Form)183 3
JL Packer (Huy)33 3
CS Reece (BP)63 3
N Rutter (SB)43 3
RFC Scott (Oxton)6123
HO Silcock (Huy)233 3
RT Smith (Wall)173 3
HG Smoker (BP)243 3
RG Stevens (SB)123 3
KV Stevenson (Sef)253 3
E Suckling (SB)163 3
JM Swift (Sef)173 3
CW Tiplady (Wall)213 3
TC Wess (NB)183 3
J Abell (Boot)32 2
HJ Beausire (Nest)122 2
EH Bickersteth (Oxton)162 2
JE Blundell (Orm)152 2
JA Bowker (Form)72 2
AS Cain (Wall)122 2
J Carruthers (Huy)112 2
H Cook (Nor)92 2
G Craddock-Watson (Nor)1112
WE Cuddy (Orm)22 2
JH Dean (SB)142 2
E de Figueiredo (Wall)142 2
R Duncan (High)52 2
WA Eccles (Form)52 2
GA Foulds (Nor)12 2
JA Foulds (Nor)162 2
R Frost (BH)162 2
M Glyn-Jones (Nor)32 2
RS Goodall (SB)32 2
A Hamer (SB)12 2
DW Hetherington (Sef)22 2
W Howard (SB)132 2
HT Hughes (Boot)32 2
JS Johnston (Liv)162 2
WN Jones (Wall)232 2
J Killikelly (Sef)22 2
WHL Lister (Form)42 2
SSC Meikle (High)92 2
R Morland (Liv)62 2
JN Parkes (Wall)92 2
LJ Pearson (Oxton)92 2
R Porter (Liv)42 2
JV Richardson (Liv)72 2
AN Robinson (Nest)192 2
JH Rogers (BP)42 2
JWC Salter (Nor)172 2
JH Savin (Form)182 2
RJ Stockton (BH)42 2
WWB Stoddart (Liv)142 2
C Sturla (Nor)32 2
SR Swift (Oxton)42 2
RT Symond (Oxton)212 2
RB Taylor (Orm)102 2
IP Thomas (NB)112 2
WLN Tunnicliffe (High)182 2
CA Warlow (Orm)52 2
KE Wess (NB)132 2
BE Adams (Boot)71 1
HE Anderson (Nest)91 1
N Barker (Huy)11 1
WE Blackburn (Liv)31 1
R Blackstock (Huy)31 1
JS Blakiston (Sef)101 1
HJ Boughey (NB)21 1
DH Brabner (BP)21 1
WR Cafferata (Liv)11 1
TF Cain (Form)141 1
ER Clayton (SB)11 1
AR Clough (High)31 1
R Coope (Liv)111 1
H Corbett-Lowe (Nest)21 1
RJ Cowlin (BH)31 1
DP Dewhurst (Liv)41 1
MS Dove (NB)1011
A Drummond (SB)21 1
E Duke (Form)211 1
L Duke (Wall)151 1
RM Dutton (BH)151 1
PH Formby (Form)161 1
F Foster (Wall)51 1
GD Garner (High)21 1
W Glyn-Jones (Nor)41 1
R Gower-Jones (NB)11 1
JWH Greaves (Wall)71 1
H Hall (High)21 1
GB Hodson (Oxton)41 1
WG Howard (Oxton)11 1
GM Howell-Jones (Nor)11 1
GP Huntley (Nest)71 1
TH Jenner (Sef)31 1
JM Kerr (BP)81 1
RW Kirkham (NB)41 1
WF Leather (Liv)151 1
RJ Lees (Form)51 1
HW Leigh (SB)71 1
E Lewis (Wall)31 1
EE Lewis (Huy)111 1
J Lewis (BH)181 1
TCS Linaker (BH)21 1
JA McEntyre (Liv,Wall)151 1
LT Makinson (Sef)61 1
EK Marsh (NB)41 1
Metcalfe (Liv)21 1
EVP Miller (Liv)51 1
TW Miller (Sef)61 1
CH Newton (SB)61 1
W Nutter (Nest)231 1
AR Oliver (High)71 1
LC Panting (Form)11 1
HR Parry (BH)111 1
FE Pestell (Nor)51 1
Porter (Nest)11 1
GA Pratt (BH)171 1
DA Rankin (Boot)41 1
HS Richards (Wall)41 1
GH Riddell (Sef)11 1
A Riding (Orm)71 1
DM Ritchie (Liv)51 1
HD Roberts (BH)81 1
HL Scholefield (Nest)101 1
RS Scott (Oxton)11 1
EH Sidgreaves (Orm)141 1
FW Simpson (High)71 1
BA Snodgrass (Nor)21 1
J Stephen (High)31 1
TB Swift (Nor)11 1
BDW Sykes (Liv)21 1
JM Sykes (Form)6011
J Taylor (Form)31 1
JE Teare (Nest)161 1
JB Thorneley (Liv)41 1
JCG Tilby (BP)121 1
CW Timmis (BP)121 1
JE Todd (Boot)11 1
J Tunnicliffe (High)11 1
HT Wild (Oxton)11 1
JR Williams (Boot)221 1
PS Williams (Oxton)1011
LW Wood (Nest)101 1





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