
Fielding in Save and Prosper Southern Cricket League 1990 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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M Caffyn (Troj)14111425
T Lewis (Gos)1561218
T Roads (Hav)17191029
IR Chaplen (Port)1513922
P Green (Win)156713
MJ Kellaway (HP)1610616
M Izzard (USP)128513
N Lynn (NM)145510
DJ Pepperell (Bou)178513
G West (Pet)157512
D Blizzard (Lym)1714418
D Smith (Alt)1620424
P Aldridge (And)7437
SA Bailey (Cal)1512315
M Boyne (And)108311
M Garaway (Wat)9527
N Johnson (Poole)14628
S Adams (USP)8415
SJ Benbough (SW)9819
N Cunningham (Gos)6415
R MacNee (Wat)149110
K Maslen (Port)1616117
W Moulding (SW)711112
KP Trodd (OT)1717118
S Alexander (Port)141 1
C Allen (Lym)135 5
R Allen (Lym)31 1
G Andrew (Lym)156 6
SP Arnold (HP)103 3
JR Ayling (Port)22 2
AN Aymes (HP)138 8
SJ Ball (Win)166 6
B Banfield (Bou)93 3
S Bardsley (Wat)61 1
JP Barnard (OT)154 4
M Barnby (Alt)41 1
M Barnett (Alt)113 3
P Barsby (USP)135 5
MA Bath (USP)122 2
G Beale (Wat)83 3
N Best (HP)82 2
M Bibby (USP)102 2
D Biles (Bou)51 1
R Bloxham (Wat)166 6
BJ Boorah (Port)135 5
L Botha (Port)175 5
P Bowers (Alt)11 1
SP Brandes (Cal)147 7
I Britton (NM)102 2
KL Brooks (USP)31 1
RC Budd (Cal)1711 11
R Bull (Poole)31 1
J Bulpitt (SW)1711 11
M Butcher (And)81 1
DGJ Carson (Hav)153 3
DJS Carson (Hav)52 2
A Cave (Bou)123 3
R Cawte (Gos)122 2
IA Chaplen (Port)158 8
A Chester (USP)171 1
IJ Chivers (OT)91 1
P Clorley (Alt)111 1
D Coles (Lym)156 6
A Cooke (SW)91 1
RVJ Coombs (Bou)144 4
GR Cooper (Cal)126 6
N Cooper (Lym)12 2
P Cooper (Hav)83 3
MR Copping (Wat)143 3
GRJ Corcoran (Lym)143 3
M Covill (SW)11 1
R Cowlard (SW)145 5
A Crocker (Pet)136 6
J Crocker (Pet)43 3
J Cropper (SW)111 1
S Curtis (Poole)73 3
J Davey (Win)21 1
T Deacon (Troj)74 4
R Dew (USP)105 5
C Dove (Win)102 2
G Downham (Hav)121 1
PR Draper (Cal)41 1
A Duckworth (And)61 1
J Duplessis (Lym)125 5
TR Durston (Port)53 3
A Eastwood (Win)21 1
M Edwards (Hav)172 2
R Edwards (Gos)21 1
R Edwards (Win)174 4
KSD Emery (Cal)166 6
S Enfield (HP)115 5
C Estall (Cal)112 2
AJ Falconer (USP)52 2
I Farley (Wat)91 1
S Farley (Poole)62 2
D Ferreira (Pet)171 1
P Fisher (Port)113 3
M Fletcher (HP)137 7
J Floyd (Wat)1112 12
M Ford (Poole)52 2
M Foster (Port)11 1
S Foulkes (Poole)91 1
M Furzeland (Pet)145 5
V Gardner (Troj)102 2
PL Garlick (Bou)142 2
CM Garrett (Cal)163 3
R Gilliatt (USP)51 1
K Gillingham (Alt)164 4
M Goffin (Alt)51 1
R Gouldstone (Win)166 6
PN Gover (Hav)177 7
C Grant (Poole)11 1
P Grant (Gos)133 3
S Green (Win)112 2
D Griffiths (Lym)73 3
C Grout (Poole)71 1
N Guy (Alt)144 4
P Hackwell (NM)113 3
L Hailes (Wat)163 3
Harfield (Wat)11 1
P Harris (Troj)162 2
D Harrison (Poole)51 1
J Hayward (And)1613 13
R Healey (Poole)82 2
D Hearne (Alt)142 2
N Heffernan (Alt)175 5
P Heffernan (Alt)1510 10
M Hembrow (Troj)92 2
R Heyes (Bou)54 4
M Hillborne (Poole)162 2
DG Hills (Poole)135 5
A Holewell (And)83 3
H Honeyman (Troj)71 1
AJM Hooper (And)146 6
P Howard (Bou)124 4
G Hughes (Pet)12 2
G Irving (Bou)175 5
A Izzard (USP)31 1
AJ Izzard (USP)75 5
T Jacobs (Port)94 4
B James (SW)121 1
CP Jenkins (Gos)171 1
RL Johns (Hav)138 8
C Jones (Wat)31 1
J Jordan (Pet)113 3
D Keeping (Troj)167 7
T Keighley (And)136 6
P Kerley (Win)147 7
MM King (Lym)164 4
R King (HP)31 1
C Kitcher (Lym)113 3
D Kitching (USP)111 1
C Knight (Pet)122 2
R Lake (Bou)145 5
ID Langdown (And)175 5
NF Langdown (And)177 7
G Langley (Gos)165 5
M Lawman (And)91 1
A Lear (NM)139 9
RJ Learmouth (USP)1210 10
C Lewis (USP)31 1
S Lilley (NM)165 5
P Loat (Hav)164 4
S McLeay (Port)21 1
A McMahon (And)179 9
G McMillan (Pet)52 2
GP McRae (Gos)1615 15
M Mahmood (Win)11 1
SJ Malone (OT)177 7
PA Marks (Win)106 6
S Marks (Win)134 4
KI Marshall (Cal)144 4
R Marston (Port)62 2
B Medler (Poole)21 1
N Megarry (USP)153 3
I Merryweather (Pet)143 3
TC Middleton (Lym)105 5
G Millett (Wat)32 2
C Mitchell (Troj)11 1
CN Mitchell (HP)172 2
M Mitchell (Troj)166 6
DJ Mobbs (NM)84 4
R Montgomery (Troj)177 7
RSM Morris (Lym)64 4
I Muir (Port)32 2
A Naik (Bou)41 1
D Nesbitt (Bou)175 5
I Nicholls (Poole)107 7
K Norwood (USP)63 3
ME O'Connor (Win)169 9
GS Oliver (HP)125 5
MN Oliver (HP)1212 12
G Osborn (SW)131 1
J Osborne (Hav)96 6
M Oxford (Gos)31 1
A Page (And)166 6
D Parry (SW)1414 14
DC Parsons (Cal)1611 11
T Passingham (Pet)167 7
M Payne (Win)21 1
M Pearson (Wat)12 2
TM Pegler (Cal)143 3
M Peters (Alt)53 3
R Peterson (Hav)131 1
G Pike (Alt)177 7
R Porter (Gos)164 4
C Potter (Hav)52 2
C Powell (Poole)92 2
C Prendergast (Troj)165 5
D Price (OT)169 9
N Prigent (SW)175 5
A Pryce (Win)163 3
T Rawlins (OT)154 4
M Readman (Hav)42 2
A Reynolds (Wat)157 7
P Reynolds (Wat)103 3
J Rickard (Troj)132 2
SWD Rintoul (Bou)65 5
C Rose (Poole)83 3
S Rudder (Port)131 1
J Russell (Wat)166 6
M Russell (Wat)51 1
PA Sadler (SW)1610 10
P Sampson (Alt)123 3
B Saunders (Hav)101 1
RR Savage (Win)1511 11
RJ Scott (Bou)84 4
W Seaby (NM)41 1
PG Sealey (Cal)62 2
M Sears (Poole)32 2
M Shephard (Wat)176 6
M Sherred (NM)72 2
G Shotton (Hav)172 2
A Small (SW)175 5
AM Small (HP)51 1
J Smallbone (Pet)154 4
S Smith (SW)92 2
R Spiegel (And)63 3
B Stares (Port)146 6
J Stares (Gos)103 3
A Stephens (Bou)153 3
GM Stinson (Cal)92 2
CR Surry (HP)1611 11
M Swain (Gos)134 4
P Tapper (Lym)103 3
NR Taylor (NM)162 2
S Taylor (NM)175 5
CJ Thomason (OT)134 4
M Thorne (Lym)21 1
J Tremlett (Poole)104 4
NJL Trestrail (Lym)163 3
MJ Trodd (OT)53 3
I Tubbs (Poole)143 3
P Tucker (Cal)31 1
IP Tulk (OT)174 4
SK Tulk (OT)1711 11
D Turnbull (Pet)33 3
I Usher (Wat)81 1
P Wakefield (NM)168 8
SR Walbridge (NM)21 1
R Walker (USP)62 2
G Walsh (Troj)179 9
N Wardle (Pet)63 3
J Wassell (Gos)102 2
S Watts (NM)167 7
E Welch (Hav)31 1
R Weldon (NM)11 1
CS Westbrook (HP)166 6
BH White (SW)141 1
G White (And)162 2
J Whiting (NM)1512 12
RC Wilcocks (Cal)114 4
RM Williams (Gos)153 3
S Williams (Troj)41 1
T Wilson (Alt)42 2
P Winsor (Port)123 3
J Wolfe (NM)73 3
C Wood (Pet)53 3
NS Wood (OT)85 5
B World (Gos)21 1
B Wright (Troj)146 6
J Wright (Poole)148 8
PE Wright (HP)159 9





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