
First-class Batting and Fielding in England for 1921 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
HO Bloomfield (Sy)232169107*169.00111 
AP Day (Kent)483555184*111.00222 
JAFMP de Lisle (Le)12016088  80.00020 
JB Hobbs (Eng,Sy,Play)562312172*78.00111 
GA Faulkner (Eng)120156153  78.00100 
CT Tyson (Yor)352232100*77.33111 
CP Mead (Eng,Ham,Play)335263179280*69.10101627 
EC Baker (Sm)1216363*63.00010 
CG Macartney (Aus)314122317345  59.41865 
RS Fowler (Arm)23017170  57.00023 
HF Bagnall (Nr)1215757*57.00010 
CAG Russell (Eng,Es,MCC)254432236273  54.5381117 
W Bardsley (Aus)304142005209  54.188109 
TF Shepherd (Sy)264041907212  52.976816 
HTW Hardinge (Eng,Kent,Play,Sth)295272339207  51.979613 
JL Bryan (CU,Kent)244031858231  50.215911 
GE Tyldesley (Eng,La)294681880165  49.475107 
A Sandham (Eng,Sy,Play)304852117292*49.235104 
JW Hearne (Eng,Mx,Play)223611721202  49.177522 
PE Lawrie (Ham)1104949  49.00001 
A Ducat (Eng,Sy,Play)274331881290*47.025513 
AS Cantrell (RN)1214731*47.00000 
C Hallows (Eng,La,Play)284751894227  45.0941217 
NVH Riches (Gm)152831080177*43.2019102
RC Brooks (MCC)1214327  43.00000 
FE Woolley (Eng,Kent,Play)315012101174  42.8761134 
CH Congdon (RN)1208559  42.50011 
RA Haywood (Nr)254611909198  42.42854 
A Jeacocke (Sy,Gent)142611056170*42.24334 
EH Hendren (Eng,Mx,MCC,Play)305352013113  41.937938 
AT Sharp (Le)12232879150  41.85438 
WW Armstrong (Aus)303781213182*41.823422 
E Oldroyd (Yor)284041469144  40.803821 
VH Neser (OU)57220472  40.800257
G Gunn (Nt)254431647138  40.1731221 
W Rhodes (Eng,Yor,Play)3247101474267*39.833528 
APF Chapman (CU,Eng,Gent,MCC)16262954136  39.753216 
AGG Webb (RN)1207957  39.50011 
H Ashton (CU,Es,Eng,Gent,Sth)213521294152*39.213724 
DR Jardine (OU,Sy)172821015145  39.03278 
WGLF Lowndes (OU,FF)7120466216  38.83125 
VWC Jupp (Eng,Sx,Gent)346042169179  38.737819 
JH Lockton (Sy)55211677*38.66017 
JS Sharp (La)183031043101*38.62185 
KI Nicholl (FF)24015462  38.50020 
P Holmes (Eng,Yor,Play)294321577277*38.463629 
J Seymour (Kent)285241829122*38.1021332 
WRD Payton (Nt)254041371125*38.082816 
JWHT Douglas (Eng,Es,Gent,MCC)304981547210*37.733725 
JM Gregory (Aus)273321135107  36.613837 
M Howell (Sy,FF,MCC)13232769154  36.61132 
FA Pearson (Wo)224321498167  36.533105 
CN Bruce (Mx,Gent)14254759144  36.142210 
CHB Blount1207250  36.00010 
JWH Makepeace (La)213651115157*35.96348 
J Ryder (Aus)23296825124*35.861413 
EH Bowley (Sx,Sth)315611940228  35.274915 
M Falcon (Eng,FF)24110577*35.00010 
JR Freeman (Es)274721557286  34.6036387
LP Hedges (Kent,OU)203411138123  34.482811 
AE Dipper (Eng,Gs)265111711146  34.226613 
AE Relf (Sx,Sth)13231753153  34.22153 
HW Lee (Mx,MCC,Sth)264731505243*34.202911 
G Woodcock (Sm)1206863  34.00010 
LH Tennyson (Eng,Ham,Gent)284231319152  33.823614 
JR Gunn (Nt)244051178148  33.652510 
JR Barnes (La)16294831111  33.24147 
RR Relf (Sx)11200661193  33.052212 
NC Tufnell (FF)1206644  33.00000 
TJE Andrews (Aus)304141212132  32.751714 
ER Mayne (Aus)13151457157*32.64125 
WW Whysall (Nt)234041173120  32.581718 
EF Waddy (Wk)481228109*32.57114 
GF Earle (Sy)2309748  32.33000 
GO Shelmerdine (CU,La)18315839105  32.26166 
HP Ward (OU)9151449103  32.071273
A Mounteney (Le)10181545105  32.05202 
EJ Fulcher (MCC)1206464  32.00011 
FSG Calthorpe (Wk)224341239209  31.763420 
CAF Fiddian-Green (CU,Wk)21384107995  31.730819 
FA Loveday (Es)48025381  31.62031 
RHB Bettington (OU)11183471105  31.401112 
JW Hitch (Eng,Sy,Play)233951061106  31.201613 
WVD Dickinson (Arm)36018774  31.16013 
AJ Evans (Eng,Kent,MCC)481217102  31.00111 
BGV Melle (Ham)35112473  31.00011 
A Povey (Kent)4646221*31.000051
WG Quaife (Wk)305971608107*30.923719 
JM Taylor (Aus)273521019143  30.87169 
CN Woolley (Nr)254731352204*30.7211014 
CB Fry (Ham)713039796  30.53035 
DC Robinson (Gs,Arm)1120060975  30.4506715
JA Newman (Ham)2945101065166*30.421622 
RA Young (Sx)7131365124  30.4120105
G Ashton (CU,Eng)1219057691  30.31044 
H Sutcliffe (Yor)29432123597  30.120817 
J Hardstaff (Nt)244161052118  30.05246 
WB Franklin (MCC)1213026*30.000031
JH King (Le)275121469127  29.973614 
HS Malik (OU,Sx)570209106  29.85100 
E Robinson (Yor)304031104135*29.833516 
HL Collins (Aus)24320953162  29.783317 
PA Perrin (Es)23413112381  29.550913 
CT Ashton (CU,Es,Eng)20314798101*29.551217 
CS Barnett (Gs)14282766157  29.46239 
A Morton (Dy)1221546975*29.31026 
HS Altham (Ham)9121319141  29.00117 
WAC Wilkinson (Arm,FF)510126181  29.00024 
PV Williams (Arm)35014581  29.00013 
PR Johnson (Sm,MCC)193501012163  28.91339 
HL Higgins (Wo)224321182133  28.822613 
J Vine (Sx)11191508101  28.22132 
G Brown (Eng,Ham,MCC,Play)315121381153  28.1817308
HSTL Hendry (Aus)2326753456*28.100428 
MW Tate (Sx,Sth)305311460203  28.07348 
WW Timms (Nr)11212533154*28.05123 
FCG Naumann (Sy)9152364118*28.00120 
GJ Bryan (Kent)10181475179  27.94116 
RS Swalwell (MCC)24011172  27.75010 
R Kilner (Yor)304101137166  27.732525 
RA Lloyd (La)2308351  27.66011 
RG Evans (CU)1114719346*27.57003 
TO Jameson (Ham,Arm,Gent,MCC)9161408119  27.201213 
N Kilner (Yor)12142326112  27.16126 
WE Astill (Le)275211380115  27.052820 
WN White (Arm)2308141  27.00000 
AW White (Nr)1205429  27.00000 
PW Cobbold (MCC)1212720*27.00001 
FL Bowley (Wo)224311132188  26.95158 
JCW MacBryan (Sm,FF)10191481101  26.72114 
RH Twining (Mx)5100267135  26.70104 
CH Titchmarsh (Gent,MCC)36016056  26.66011 
AM Carr (Wo)35013382  26.60011 
KA Higgs (Sx)9160425111  26.56124 
AW Carr (Nt)254311115204  26.542518 
JAC Thornton (Le)3535319*26.50000 
LTA Bates (Wk)306031510157  26.491815 
AE Freethy (Gm)3417931  26.33001 
CD McIver (Es,FF,MCC)11193419106*26.1812111
RL Holdsworth (OU,Wk)224121021202  26.171510 
PE Morris (Es)69218349  26.14004 
AS Kennedy (Ham,MCC,Play)335551305152*26.102728 
LL Burtt (Mx)2417850  26.00011 
TC Lowry (CU,Sm,FF)1325064881  25.92059 
CGW Robson (Wo)24010346  25.75001 
SWA Cadman (Dy)2038194592*25.540615 
W Ellis (La)15263586138*25.47127 
WT Cook (Sy)711028084  25.45022 
LE Wharton (Sm)918143086  25.29032 
AG Doggart (CU)1219437563  25.000218 
W Shipman (Le)1205026  25.00001 
CE Pellew (Aus)27373848146  24.94229 
H Smith (Gs)26505111798*24.82082214
FH Gillingham (Es)10170422100  24.82126 
AF Bickmore (Kent,OU)1932371689  24.680417 
E Smith2409846  24.50000 
FT Mann (Mx,Gent,MCC)254421023112  24.352415 
EP Barnett (Gs)713129195  24.25016 
AL Hosie (Ham,FF)254301041122  24.20166 
HAW Bowell (Ham)294821111133  24.152314 
HA Peach (Sy)25395821106  24.14149 
WE Bates (Gm)1935084285  24.05078 
A Young (Sm)1018140969*24.05017 
HO Hopkins (OU,Wo)1223543260*24.00015 
H Chidgey (Sm)812104818*24.0000119
SGU Considine (Sm)17312694130*23.93126 
EL Kidd (Mx,FF,Gent,MCC)913128790  23.91025 
DJ Knight (Eng,Sy,Gent,MCC)18282619104*23.801213 
WAS Oldfield (Aus)18205357123  23.80103225
GW Stephens (Wk)1120145293  23.78025 
WGM Sarel (Sx)713128574  23.75013 
L Oliver (Dy)14270641151  23.74114 
JD Tyldesley (La)27393852112  23.661419 
RAD Brooks (Ham,RN)48018957  23.62022 
HS Poyntz (Sm)1204744  23.50000 
SN Hare (Es)35011798  23.40011 
G Geary (Le)510121048  23.33006 
JR Tait (Gm)1120143896  23.05027 
ECJ Sheppard (Gs)2306929  23.00001 
SG White (Mx)1212320  23.00001 
S Coe (Le)27525108067  22.970615 
H Storer (Dy)19363758126  22.961217 
DCF Burton (Yor,Gent)31428780110  22.941316 
NE Haig (Eng,Mx,Gent,MCC)284951009108  22.931315 
MB Burrows (OU,Sy,Arm,FF,MCC)714227545  22.910010 
JS Heath2409134  22.75001 
AES Rippon (Sm)14261566118  22.64127 
GG Macaulay (Yor)273210497125*22.591132 
GEV Crutchley (Mx,FF,Gent,MCC)12212428145  22.52115 
APR Hawtin (Nr)1018138379  22.52021 
HD Hake (CU,Ham)1117136094  22.500231
WH Denton (Nr)2409045  22.50001 
GR Cox (Sx)30511091870  22.390330 
GJ Thompson (Nr)2138573580  22.27049 
C Charlesworth (Wk)26501109181  22.260710 
GM Lee (Nt)2542093265  22.19058 
JC Hubble (Kent,MCC)2234368699  22.12041918
WH Rowlands (Gs)264821014113  22.041629 
FB Watson (La)1524248573  22.04028 
WA Burgess (Sm)58017679  22.00016 
AS Moule (Es)1212212*22.00000 
HG Sale (Wo)1212217*22.00000 
MFS Jewell (Wo)1935076897  21.940616 
CH Knott (Kent)3408780  21.75012 
FB Pinch (Gm)10172325138*21.661011 
HL Dales (Mx)1525151696  21.50043 
JG Dixon (Es)25433858120  21.451210 
PGH Fender (Eng,Sy,Gent,MCC)345621152101  21.331553 
WH Ashdown (Kent)1422340579*21.310310 
A Lord (Le)1326055486  21.300210 
HM Morris (Es)2036370286  21.27035 
GB Street (Sx)23389617109  21.2712308
GBF Rudd (Le)1934170191  21.240414 
W Spiller (Gm)11180378104  21.00117 
FL Fane (Es)510020963  20.90011 
H Carter (Aus)1718135557  20.88012612
GH Hirst (Yor,Play)812025064  20.83025 
GC Collins (Kent)2338274993  20.80066 
G Curgenven (Dy)2037076598  20.670411 
MN Kenyon (La)2942968161*20.630411 
WJ Abel (Sy)2028645482*20.630222 
GTS Stevens (Mx,OU,Gent,MCC)2340572187  20.600322 
LCR Isherwood (Ham)1525345361*20.590312 
WJV Tomlinson (Dy)611120543  20.50003 
HL Simms (Wk)1204138  20.50000 
RP Keigwin (Gs)611022565  20.45013 
GEC Wood (Kent,Eng,FF,Gent)2337858569  20.17022518
MK Foster (Wo)46012173  20.16011 
J Bowden (Dy)18362682108  20.05117 
J Daniell (Sm)2445383583  19.880424 
CH Gibson (CU,Sx,Eng)1419821843*19.81006 
JWC Turner (Wo)10200395106  19.75105 
WJ Malden (CU,Sx)12191353100  19.61106 
LHW Troughton (Kent)2843476166  19.510418 
H Tomlinson (Gm)36011736  19.50000 
JS Curtis (Le)2407828  19.50003 
R Aird (Ham)4407734  19.25000 
M Leyland (Yor)57111552*19.16011 
CP Brutton (Ham)1220038284  19.10028 
GE Cording (Gm)11181324101  19.051081
JN Crawford (Sy,Gent)2407642  19.00000 
EC Kirk (Sy)3313817  19.00001 
H Wagstaff (Es)4541917*19.00000 
W Wells (Nr)19350660100  18.85122 
GA Stannard (Sx)1322237765  18.85012 
SJ Staples (Nt)2235262152  18.810311 
HL Wilson (Sx,Sth)2241273059  18.710416 
WCM Berridge (Le)48211249*18.66001 
WR Allen (Yor)2022727941*18.60003219
RI Scorer (Wk)15284446113  18.58105 
EP Solbé (Kent)510018561  18.50015 
E Robson (Sm)24434715111  18.331210 
LL Cranfield (Gs)2415533*18.33000 
FI Walden (Nr)1629052853  18.20018 
G Carter (Es)69114444*18.00001 
NJD Moffat (Mx)3509045  18.00000 
H Douthwaite (La)2305420  18.00001 
W Brown (La)2313621  18.00003 
JP Gornall (RN)1203618  18.00000 
W Batson (Nr)1203634  18.00000 
WH Goudge (RN)1203621  18.00000 
CV Tarbox (Wo)2240562962  17.970215 
PP Hope (Sm)1220035877  17.90043 
TW Oates (Nt)2334748256  17.85023916
JSF Morrison (Gent,MCC)2407139  17.75001 
CC Smart (Wk)1528344359  17.720117 
JG Greig (Ham)611117746  17.70002 
RE Turner (Wo)36010644  17.66003 
GH Salmon (Le)1733058272  17.63045 
PT Mills (Gs)2647868783  17.610212 
D Roberts (Sy,MCC)36010545  17.50002 
JL Stanton (Gs)2407047  17.50000 
F Taylor (La)1015615529*17.22004 
RK Tyldesley (La)3043073175  17.000236 
AV Drummond (MCC)2406830  17.00000 
GN Foster (Kent,Eng,MCC)1016026871  16.750111 
NE Partridge (Wk)48111737*16.710011 
WS Whiting (Sm)48111528  16.42004 
FRR Brooke (Arm,MCC)48111526  16.420042
CR Preece (Wo)2037650561  16.290116 
AS Archdale (Arm)3626538*16.25003 
VR Price (OU)912117654  16.00014 
WL Cornford (Sx)610212837  16.000022
CL Townsend (Gs)3609621  16.00001 
WA Powell (Kent)121168*16.00000 
TAL Whittington (Gm)1119030351  15.94012 
EJ Smith (Wk)24460733100  15.93113514
MD Lyon (CU,Sm)1320031552  15.7501234
JC White (Eng,Sm,Gent)2442656480  15.660135 
BL Bisgood (Sm)2414725  15.66000 
AER Gilligan (Sx,Sth)2949864077*15.600120 
FG Robinson (Gs)1325137477  15.580188
WS Hacker (Gm)6947727  15.40003 
ER Remnant (Ham)18281421535  15.350010 
WH Livsey (Ham)29451447170*15.19024832
FW Gilligan (Es)69210642  15.140054
LW Cook (La,Play)31381337754*15.080122 
J Fisher (Dy)2414539*15.00000 
AC MacLaren (Eng)2313025*15.00000 
GW Goodwin (Dy)816122453  14.93011 
PFC Williams (Gs)1732145455  14.64025 
WWH Hill-Wood (CU,Dy)48011738  14.62002 
BSH Hill-Wood (Dy)2312921*14.50001 
TS Jennings (Sy)4202926  14.50002 
AS McIntyre (Ham)713018855  14.46014 
HR Murrell (Mx)2334640353*14.3903629
BH Lyon (Gs)48011533  14.37002 
HJ Huggins (Gs)3608640  14.33001 
RHD Bolton (Ham)2405724  14.25000 
JM Hutchinson (Dy)2039252767  14.24017 
GR Jackson (Dy)510014235  14.20003 
GE Hunt (Sm)1628433657  14.000111 
VL Morris (Gm)1202823  14.00000 
WE Hickmott (Kent)2321413*14.00001 
HG Symonds (Gm)713018158  13.92013 
GG Rawson (Arm)3506939  13.80005 
F Rowlands (Gs)59012433  13.77001 
LC Eastman (Es)61039623*13.71004 
HD Badger (OU,Yor)4532717*13.50002 
HC McDonell (Ham)911212143  13.44004 
FR Santall (Wk)1936344139  13.36005 
GG Farnfield (Es)1220125241  13.26005 
WH Taylor (Wo)1324722442*13.17008 
AWF Roper (Gs)917219755  13.13017 
FJ Seabrook (Gs)48010532  13.12000 
GA Rotherham (Wk)2545354955  13.070322 
WJ Fairservice (Kent)1829926030  13.000014 
CFR Cowan (Wk)48010438  13.00002 
WS Cornwallis (Kent)8853916  13.00003 
JB Coventry (Wo)2413917  13.00000 
CJ Corbett (Dy)59110344  12.87001 
TE Sidwell (Le)27491345457  12.61015911
JE Frazer (Sm,Sx)3506333  12.60001 
H Strudwick (Eng,Sy,Sth)26331127641  12.5400549
CJB Wood (Le)1202518  12.50002 
FCW Newman (Sy)1202520  12.50000 
ER Wilson (Yor)10818733*12.42007 
JR Peacey (Sx)2303726  12.33000 
AE O'Bree (Gm)816019727  12.31005 
WE Pratt (Le)612113529*12.27002 
EA McDonald (Aus)2627625736  12.230010 
KG Blaikie (OU,Sm)4708545  12.14002 
F Barratt (Nt)2334436379  12.10029 
JC Clay (Gm)1529133971  12.100110 
FD Jenner (Sx)714115655  12.00010 
WH Jessop (Gs)4809625  12.00000 
RH Fowler (Wo)4717235  12.00003 
HWF Franklin (Es,OU,Sy)1726623753  11.85015 
C Gimson (Le)815116640  11.85004 
JW Middleton (Le)1629034237  11.79006 
FJ Cooper (Es)59010552  11.66011 
THP Beeching (Kent)2303513  11.66000 
AA Mailey (Aus)28301023346*11.650034 
WN Gemmill (Gm)1121024456  11.61016 
HS Harrison (Sy)1016216235  11.57008 
A Waddington (Yor)2627723144  11.550020 
HA Reed (Gs)3606945  11.50001 
AC Gore (Arm)2422311  11.50001 
HW Riding (Es)1202316  11.50000 
OW Cornwallis (Ham,RN)2202323  11.50000 
NJO Carbutt (Arm)4633411*11.33001 
F Hickley (Le)2303427  11.33000 
HJ Wenyon (Mx)3404527  11.25002 
CU Peat (FF)4725630  11.20003 
TES Francis (Sm)4606736  11.16004 
NJ Holloway (Sx,FF)1017810038  11.11005 
AP Ward (Ham)121116  11.00001 
WA Buswell (Nr)24411330737*10.9600374
H Elliott (Dy)20381030737  10.9600307
E Martin (Mx)4716530  10.83004 
RA Boddington (La)91239731  10.7700127
AHH Gilligan (Sx)1118118233  10.70007 
GM Buckston (Dy)1530229971  10.67010 
W Carter (Dy)51019650*10.66012 
WF Baldock (Sm)2413213*10.66001 
CH Parkin (Eng,La,Play)1216214845  10.57005 
BW Bellamy (Nr)916115829  10.53007 
CWL Parker (Eng,Gs,Sth)2543539982  10.50019 
SL Amor (Sm)71468321  10.370057
RH Spooner (La,MCC)4808323  10.37002 
JH Vincett (Sy)2413123*10.33002 
RO Raven (Nr)1323023747  10.30003 
VW Humpherson (Wo)612210316  10.30001 
AR Tanner (Mx)1320515446  10.260021 
WP Morris (Gm)2404114  10.25002 
JV Murdin (Nr)2544638945  10.230014 
JJ Bridges (Sm)1219415035*10.00006 
EL Armitage (Ham,Arm)4817021  10.00003 
H Watson (MCC)3606023  10.00001 
A Howard (Le)3606027  10.00000 
JHP Brain (Gm)4725019*10.000022
G Wilson (Yor)3404031  10.00002 
N Hardy (Sm)3523020*10.00003 
ES Missen (Es)1202012  10.00000 
TG Grinter (Es)1202015  10.00001 
WG Gethin (Wo)1202019  10.00002 
AJB Fowler (Mx)332105  10.00001 
AL Howell (Wk)14271115926  9.93009 
AP Freeman (Kent,Play)25321020932  9.500013 
FH Knott1201914  9.50000 
A Skelding (Le)4742812*9.33001 
CB Ponsonby (Wo)1630820335  9.2200163
AW Shipman (Le)1527421142  9.17005 
FE Spurway (Sm)712011031  9.1600142
HCA Gaunt (Wk)3605524  9.16001 
W Adams (Nr)1120117450  9.15013 
NH Saint (Es)2337331132  9.14005 
HM Bannister (Le)3605427  9.00000 
CC James (Nt)1201817  9.00000 
AE Thomas (Nr)25431624244  8.960016 
RC Robertson-Glasgow (OU,Sm)1723714327  8.93007 
JP Herringshaw (Es)6825318  8.83007 
A Dolphin (Yor)1014111338  8.6900187
HW Smith (Es)81347817*8.66002 
LH Key (Sm)4513418  8.50004 
JGB Whiting2403427  8.50000 
CEA Worsley (Nr)2403423  8.50001 
HW Saunders (Sm)1201717  8.50001 
KJ Ball (Nr)1222117849  8.47007 
F Bale (Le)1219511615*8.28004 
P Toone (Es)8117337*8.25005 
E Somers-Smith (Wo)2403322  8.25000 
H Venn (Wk)714011532  8.21004 
HE Roberts (Sx)91448232  8.20005 
GM Reay (Sy)5614121  8.20005 
WLT Jenkins (Gm)1020115539  8.150082
GMB Nelson (Wk)91567223  8.00001 
HK Longman2403214  8.00000 
GN Brownrigg (Sx)1201611  8.00001 
WK McClintock (Gs)1201615  8.00001 
BD Reed (RN)12188*8.00001 
D Hardy (Nr)12188*8.00001 
JGW Hyndson (Arm)11088  8.00001 
T Arnott (Gm)5906917  7.66001 
ML Hambling (Sm)4806126  7.62002 
H Dean (La)1519411420*7.60006 
EG Dennett (Gs)23411618924  7.560016 
B Blomley (La)1821611341  7.53002610
AC Wright (Kent)61117553  7.50013 
JWD Smith (Le)2403025  7.50000 
GH Drummond (Nr)1201512  7.50002 
WE Benskin (Le)1929914923  7.45008 
FBR Browne (CU,FF)574229  7.33004 
PG Robinson (Gs)2402924  7.25002 
W Reader-Blackton (Dy)51007227  7.20003 
TL Richmond (Eng,Nt)25361415513  7.04003 
PH Bonham-Carter (RN)1201414  7.00000 
DB Williams (Gm)120149  7.00000 
RLB Cunliffe (RN)120149  7.00000 
NE Wright (Nr)12175*7.00000 
GH Seeley (Wo)11077  7.00000 
HG Beers (Nr)61006931  6.90001 
EP Cross (Wk)61025412*6.750081
EF Tomkins (Nr)5805424  6.75001 
GM Louden (Es,Sth)81547421  6.72007 
GW Bayes (Yor)3522011  6.66001 
HDG Leveson-Gower (MCC)2302014  6.66002 
ER Sweet-Escott (Gm)1201313  6.50000 
FJ Durston (Eng,Mx,MCC,Play)26321212917*6.450013 
BW Quaife (Wk)4704520  6.42000 
H Howell (Eng,Wk)20361413926*6.31002 
J O'Connor (Es)4622513  6.25000 
A Nash (Gm)1831615628  6.24003 
W Bestwick (Dy)19341412413*6.20007 
AWE Lapham (Es)3503116  6.20000 
EP Collings (Sm)2402416  6.00001 
EB Crockford (Wk)240249  6.00001 
J Evans (Ham)242126  6.00000 
JT Hearne (MCC)1201212  6.00000 
AJL Hill (Ham)11066  6.00000 
HA Gilbert (Wo,FF)1829911521  5.750010 
E Cooper (Gm)4804614  5.75003 
T Rushby (Sy)172177713*5.50004 
CLM Brown (Le)2402211  5.50001 
RF Knight (Nr)120119  5.50001 
HW Baxter (Gm)1201110  5.50000 
HJD Arkell (Nr)220116  5.50000 
EJ Spry (Gs)120118  5.50000 
GS Boyes (Ham)5923815  5.42006 
GB Cuthbertson (CU,Mx)4813715  5.28000 
WR Gouldsworthy (Gs)81574212*5.25002 
W Reeves (Es)481368  5.14000 
ST Freeman (Gs)231105*5.00001 
GA Buckley (Dy)120108  5.00001 
AJ Powell (Wo)120109  5.00000 
H Creber (Gm)172916647*4.92001 
JK Mathews (Sx)2401911  4.75000 
H Whitehead (Le)2401816  4.50000 
FCL Matthews (Nt)7114319  4.42003 
WE Richardson (Wo)4803515  4.37001 
CS Marriott (CU,La,Gent)131544713  4.27008 
JGWT Bessant (Gs)101836412  4.26005 
CF Root (Wo)4803412  4.25003 
G Grainger (Dy)240167  4.00001 
AH Fabling (Wk)12087  4.00000 
F Mills (Le)12088  4.00000 
SW Falding (Nr)12088  4.00000 
SHG Humfrey (Nr)12088  4.00000 
H Tyldesley (La)12086  4.00000 
HC Mortlock (Es)11044  4.00000 
NC Phillips (FF)11044  4.00002 
GGF Greig (Wo)5922711  3.85002 
D Sullivan (Sy)562158*3.750051
HC Snary (Le)24273  3.50000 
LRV Prentice (Mx)81103317  3.00005 
SH Saville (Mx)450157  3.00004 
JE Glennon (Le)240127  3.00000 
TW Durnell (Wk)24195*3.00001 
FT Summers (Wo)23095  3.00003 
FA Burton (MCC)24264*3.00000 
C Fairbanks-Smith (Sm)23166  3.00001 
CP McGahey (Es)12066  3.00001 
GOB Allen (Mx)22133  3.00001 
HL Hever (Kent)22133  3.00001 
PN Durlacher (Mx)11033  3.00001 
CA Winter (Sm)461146*2.80001 
JS Heap (La)350148  2.80001 
AF Lane (Wk)23155*2.50001 
J Mercer (Sx)24175  2.33001 
EC Puttock (Sx)24095  2.25001 
CJ Round (Es)24098  2.25000 
JA Smart (Wk)24095  2.25001 
PG Bullock (Wo)350119  2.20003 
AE Knight (Ham)12044  2.00002 
RH Hill (Mx)12044  2.00000 
B Lilley (Nt)22043  2.00001 
CHFD McCarthy (Arm)12121*2.00000 
RCJ Chichester-Constable (Arm)11022  2.00001 
RG Baynton (Wk)24075  1.75000 
JW Whewell (La)35253  1.660021
AS Matts (Le)12033  1.50000 
CF Bishop (Sm)12032  1.50000 
G Shingler (Le)12032  1.50001 
E Eden (Gs)12033  1.50000 
JP Duminy (OU)12022  1.00000 
GE Martin (Gm)12022  1.00001 
PA Wright (Nr)12022  1.00001 
FE Ellis (Gs)12111*1.00001 
DJ Reason (Gm)11011  1.00001 
WR Hammond (Gs)23021  0.66000 
TJ Molony (Sy)34022  0.50000 
TR Morgan (Gm)12011  0.50000 
ML Hill (Sm)12011  0.50002 
FW Musson (La)12011  0.50000 
TH Collins (Nt)22011  0.50002 
JW Knight (CU)12011  0.50000 
PM Hall (Ham)12011  0.50001 
H Turland (Dy)12011  0.50000 
W Brearley (Eng)12011  0.50000 
C Partridge (Nr)12011  0.50000 
RA Sinfield (MCC)24011  0.25000 
GR Byrne (Wo)24011  0.25000 
JT Bell (Yor)23000  0.00000 
HW Tayler (Gm)12000  0.00000 
HG Pruett (Sm)12000  0.00000 
AE Banfield (Es)12100*0.00000 
DC Kenderdine (RN)12000  0.00001 
AD Martin (Es)22000  0.00000 
PW Le Gros (MCC)12000  0.00000 
FC Troup (Gs)11000  0.00000 
CW Wallace (Wo)11000  0.00001 
CLM Sutton (Arm)1113030* 000 
FL Clifford (Mx)12200* 000 
LJ Davies (Nr)10      0 
LJ Phillips (Es)10      0 
MC Bird (Sy)10      1 
CR Benstead (CU)10      0 





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