
Lancashire League Division Two 2024 - Most Wicket-keeper Dismissals in Innings

5S TillotsonAccrington v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23927
4K DeanEast Lancashire v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23736
4OJ DavidsonRishton v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23756
4MP BradleyEast Lancashire v NelsonSeedhill, Nelsonll23836
4S TillotsonBacup v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23916
3MR DawsonGreenmount v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23732
3JO WestheadGreat Harwood v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23771
3OJ DavidsonCrompton v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23780
3MT CollingeEast Lancashire v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23794
3S TillotsonNelson v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23807
3HC CatonBacup v RamsbottomTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23823
3OD RoscoeNelson v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23826
3GJ NichollCrompton v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23827
3K DeanGreenmount v CromptonBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23827
3HC CatonGreenmount v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23837
3A BirtwistleColne v CromptonThe Horsfield, Colnell23843
3CA GanslerRamsbottom v BacupAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23861
3E HaratbarBacup v AccringtonTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23878
3OJ DavidsonNelson v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23888
3DL BrownRishton v WalsdenBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23899
3D LouisWalsden v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23917
3OJ DavidsonCrompton v WalsdenGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23917
3HC CatonRawtenstall v RamsbottomThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23923
3HC CatonGreenmount v RamsbottomBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23931
3A BirtwistleRawtenstall v CromptonThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23935
2GJ NichollRawtenstall v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23714
2E HaratbarBacup v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23733
2AJ ProcterGreenmount v ColneBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23738
2OD RoscoeRawtenstall v Great HarwoodThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23742
2HC CatonRishton v RamsbottomBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23743
2LA StrandEast Lancashire v RawtenstallAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23752
2JO WestheadRawtenstall v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23752
2AJ ProcterGreat Harwood v ColneEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23753
2E HaratbarRamsbottom v AccringtonAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23755
2JO WestheadColne v East LancashireThe Horsfield, Colnell23760
2MT CollingeColne v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23769
2HC CatonRawtenstall v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23777
2LA StrandNelson v RawtenstallSeedhill, Nelsonll23800
2M JamalAccrington v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23808
2GJ NichollBacup v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23812
2CE SandersonRawtenstall v RishtonThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23816
2E HaratbarColne v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23829
2K DeanRawtenstall v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23832
2JO WestheadNelson v East LancashireSeedhill, Nelsonll23836
2MP BradleyBacup v NelsonTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23841
2HC CatonWalsden v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23849
2GJ NichollRawtenstall v GreenmountThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23850
2LA StrandAccrington v RawtenstallThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23853
2HC CatonBacup v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23861
2CE SandersonColne v RishtonBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23862
2OJ DavidsonEast Lancashire v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23864
2K DeanGreat Harwood v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23868
2HC CatonRishton v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23886
2JO WestheadRawtenstall v East LancashireThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23898
2MT CollingeRawtenstall v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23901
2JO WestheadColne v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23903
2OD RoscoeGreenmount v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23905
2OJ DavidsonAccrington v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23912
2E HaratbarNelson v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23913
2OD RoscoeEast Lancashire v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23919
2LA StrandRamsbottom v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23923
2LN BaileyBacup v WalsdenTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23925
2JO WestheadNelson v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23928
1E HaratbarGreat Harwood v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23709
1MP BradleyBacup v NelsonSeedhill, Nelsonll23717
1MT CollingeNelson v BacupSeedhill, Nelsonll23717
1MR DawsonRamsbottom v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23720
1CA GanslerRishton v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23721
1AJ ProcterRawtenstall v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23723
1JO WestheadAccrington v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23724
1D LouisGreat Harwood v CromptonEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23726
1MP BradleyRamsbottom v NelsonAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23730
1HC CatonNelson v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23730
1GJ NichollWalsden v GreenmountScott Street, Walsdenll23732
1MJ NuttallRamsbottom v RishtonBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23743
1J HallowsNelson v GreenmountSeedhill, Nelsonll23754
1E HaratbarWalsden v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23757
1OJ DavidsonAccrington v WalsdenThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23757
1K DeanRamsbottom v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23761
1GJ NichollGreat Harwood v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23763
1MT CollingeRawtenstall v BacupThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23766
1S TillotsonBacup v ColneTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23769
1OD RoscoeEast Lancashire v Great HarwoodAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23771
1MP BradleyAccrington v NelsonSeedhill, Nelsonll23776
1E HaratbarNelson v AccringtonSeedhill, Nelsonll23776
1LA StrandRamsbottom v RawtenstallAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23777
1E HaratbarRishton v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23787
1AJ ProcterRamsbottom v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23788
1JO WestheadGreenmount v East LancashireBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23791
1GJ NichollEast Lancashire v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23791
1LA StrandWalsden v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23792
1E HaratbarGreenmount v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23793
1JO WestheadBacup v East LancashireTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23794
1MP BradleyRawtenstall v NelsonSeedhill, Nelsonll23800
1HC CatonGreat Harwood v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23801
1S TillotsonWalsden v ColneScott Street, Walsdenll23804
1DL BrownColne v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23804
1MP BradleyColne v NelsonThe Horsfield, Colnell23807
1HC CatonEast Lancashire v RamsbottomAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23809
1OD RoscoeWalsden v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23811
1LA StrandRishton v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23816
1MT CollingeRamsbottom v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23823
1MJ NuttallColne v RishtonThe Horsfield, Colnell23824
1PM TurnerWalsden v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23825
1OJ DavidsonEast Lancashire v WalsdenAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23825
1MP BradleyGreat Harwood v NelsonEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23826
1GJ NichollRamsbottom v GreenmountAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23837
1CE SandersonGreat Harwood v RishtonBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23838
1MT CollingeWalsden v BacupScott Street, Walsdenll23840
1CA GanslerNelson v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23841
1CE SandersonEast Lancashire v RishtonAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23844
1RM WalmsleyAccrington v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23846
1E HaratbarRawtenstall v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23853
1A BirtwistleGreenmount v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23856
1E HaratbarEast Lancashire v AccringtonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23865
1JO WestheadAccrington v East LancashireThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23865
1OD RoscoeCrompton v Great HarwoodGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23868
1GJ NichollWalsden v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23870
1HC CatonNelson v RamsbottomSeedhill, Nelsonll23872
1LA StrandColne v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23874
1CE SandersonBacup v RishtonBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23875
1MT CollingeRishton v BacupBlackburn Road, Rishtonll23875
1MT CollingeAccrington v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23878
1K DeanEast Lancashire v CromptonAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23880
1JO WestheadCrompton v East LancashireAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23880
1EJ HusseyGreat Harwood v RawtenstallEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23882
1MP BradleyWalsden v NelsonScott Street, Walsdenll23888
1HC CatonAccrington v RamsbottomThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23889
1S TillotsonGreat Harwood v ColneThe Horsfield, Colnell23892
1OD RoscoeColne v Great HarwoodThe Horsfield, Colnell23892
1A BirtwistleBacup v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23893
1GJ NichollNelson v GreenmountBrandlesholme Road, Greenmountll23895
1LA StrandBacup v RawtenstallTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23901
1S TillotsonEast Lancashire v ColneAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23903
1GJ NichollGreat Harwood v GreenmountEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23905
1M PembertonAccrington v NelsonThe iMEP Arena, Accringtonll23913
1MT CollingeColne v BacupThe Horsfield, Colnell23916
1JO WestheadGreat Harwood v East LancashireEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23919
1MT CollingeWalsden v BacupTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23925
1E HaratbarColne v AccringtonThe Horsfield, Colnell23927
1OD RoscoeRishton v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23930
1CE SandersonGreat Harwood v RishtonEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23930
1PV HansonCrompton v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23935
1OD RoscoeBacup v Great HarwoodTony's Pizza and Kebab House Lanehead Cricket Ground, Bacupll23937
1S TillotsonRamsbottom v ColneAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23945
1HC CatonColne v RamsbottomAcre Bottom, Ramsbottomll23945
1MR DawsonRawtenstall v WalsdenScott Street, Walsdenll23948
1A BirtwistleRishton v CromptonGlebe Street, Shaw, Oldhamll23952
1MT CollingeEast Lancashire v BacupAlexandra Meadows, Blackburnll23953
1OD RoscoeRamsbottom v Great HarwoodEvolve Document Solutions Cliffe Park, Great Harwoodll23955
1LA StrandNelson v RawtenstallThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23959
1MP BradleyRawtenstall v NelsonThe Worswick Memorial Ground, Rawtenstallll23959





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