
Lancashire and Cheshire Second XIs Cricket League 1926

17 Apr 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
24 Apr 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
24 Apr 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Gorton Second XI Levenshulme misc
24 Apr 1926  Longsight Second XI v Cheetham Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
24 Apr 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Stand Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
24 Apr 1926  Swinton Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Barton Road, Swinton misc
24 Apr 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
01 May 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Unsworth Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
01 May 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
01 May 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
01 May 1926  Gorton Second XI v Stand Second XI Gorton misc
01 May 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
01 May 1926  Swinton Second XI v Longsight Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
08 May 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Prestwich Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
08 May 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
08 May 1926  Gorton Second XI v Swinton Second XI Gorton misc
08 May 1926  Longsight Second XI v Unsworth Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
08 May 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
08 May 1926  Stand Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
15 May 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
15 May 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Levenshulme misc
15 May 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Gorton Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
15 May 1926  Stand Second XI v Longsight Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
15 May 1926  Swinton Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
15 May 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
22 May 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Stand Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
22 May 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Swinton Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
22 May 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
22 May 1926  Gorton Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Gorton misc
22 May 1926  Longsight Second XI v Prestwich Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
22 May 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
24 May 1926  Longsight Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
24 May 1926  Stand Second XI v Swinton Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
28 May 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Levenshulme misc
28 May 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
28 May 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Gorton Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
29 May 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Gorton Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
29 May 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
29 May 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Levenshulme misc
29 May 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Longsight Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
29 May 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
05 Jun 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
05 Jun 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Stand Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
05 Jun 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Longsight Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
05 Jun 1926  Gorton Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Gorton misc
05 Jun 1926  Swinton Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
05 Jun 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
08 Jun 1926  Stand Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
12 Jun 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
12 Jun 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Stand Second XI Levenshulme misc
12 Jun 1926  Longsight Second XI v Gorton Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
12 Jun 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Cheetham Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
12 Jun 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
12 Jun 1926  Swinton Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
19 Jun 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
19 Jun 1926  Gorton Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Gorton misc
19 Jun 1926  Longsight Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth East Road, Longsight misc
19 Jun 1926  Swinton Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
19 Jun 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Stand Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
26 Jun 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Stalybridge Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
26 Jun 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Longsight Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
26 Jun 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Swinton Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
26 Jun 1926  Gorton Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Gorton misc
26 Jun 1926  Stand Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
26 Jun 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
03 Jul 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Gorton Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
03 Jul 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Swinton Second XI Levenshulme misc
03 Jul 1926  Longsight Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
03 Jul 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Unsworth Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
03 Jul 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
03 Jul 1926  Stand Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
10 Jul 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
10 Jul 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
10 Jul 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
10 Jul 1926  Gorton Second XI v Longsight Second XI Gorton misc
10 Jul 1926  Swinton Second XI v Stand Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
17 Jul 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Longsight Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
17 Jul 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
17 Jul 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
17 Jul 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Swinton Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
17 Jul 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Gorton Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
24 Jul 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
24 Jul 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Gorton Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
24 Jul 1926  Longsight Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
24 Jul 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
24 Jul 1926  Stand Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
24 Jul 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Swinton Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
31 Jul 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Dukinfield Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
31 Jul 1926  Gorton Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Gorton misc
31 Jul 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Levenshulme misc
31 Jul 1926  Longsight Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
31 Jul 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Stand Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
31 Jul 1926  Swinton Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
07 Aug 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Cheetham Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
07 Aug 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Stand Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
07 Aug 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Longsight Second XI Levenshulme misc
07 Aug 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Swinton Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
14 Aug 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Swinton Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
14 Aug 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
14 Aug 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Longsight Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
14 Aug 1926  Gorton Second XI v Levenshulme Second XI Gorton misc
14 Aug 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
14 Aug 1926  Stand Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
21 Aug 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
21 Aug 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Levenshulme misc
21 Aug 1926  Longsight Second XI v Swinton Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
21 Aug 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
21 Aug 1926  Stand Second XI v Gorton Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
21 Aug 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
28 Aug 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Stand Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
28 Aug 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
28 Aug 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Levenshulme misc
28 Aug 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth The Heys, Prestwich misc
28 Aug 1926  Swinton Second XI v Gorton Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
28 Aug 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Longsight Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
04 Sep 1926  Armstrong Whitworth v Levenshulme Second XI Vickers Armstrong Whitworth Ground, Elswick misc
04 Sep 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Cheetham Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
04 Sep 1926  Dukinfield Second XI v Swinton Second XI Higher King Street, Dukinfield misc
04 Sep 1926  Gorton Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Gorton misc
04 Sep 1926  Longsight Second XI v Stand Second XI East Road, Longsight misc
04 Sep 1926  Stalybridge Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Oxford Street, Stalybridge misc
11 Sep 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Gorton Second XI Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
11 Sep 1926  Levenshulme Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Levenshulme misc
11 Sep 1926  Prestwich Second XI v Longsight Second XI The Heys, Prestwich misc
11 Sep 1926  Stand Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
11 Sep 1926  Swinton Second XI v Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc
11 Sep 1926  Unsworth Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Parr Lane, Unsworth misc
18 Sep 1926  Ashton-under-Lyne Second XI v Prestwich Second XI Ashton Club Ground, Ashton-under-Lyne misc
18 Sep 1926  Cheetham Second XI v Armstrong Whitworth Cheetham Cricket Club Ground, Manchester misc
18 Sep 1926  Gorton Second XI v Unsworth Second XI Gorton misc
18 Sep 1926  Stand Second XI v Dukinfield Second XI Hamilton Road, Whitefield misc
18 Sep 1926  Swinton Second XI v Stalybridge Second XI Barton Road, Swinton misc





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